Working hypothesis this; I think what we are currently witnessing is a countercoup in the US. Following the failed assassination attempts on Donald Trump, the cabal or 'powers-that-be' must have held a meeting and realised their heads were on the block. They pivoted swiftly, and what we are now seeing with executive orders aplenty, are measures setting out to completely reverse the direction of the last four years, or to establish new systems, and to set new directions altogether.
We witnessed a coup in 2020, the final part of that coup was January 6th, 2021. This is called an insurrection but in reality it was a protest. Ask yourself this, if an insurrection then how come amongst the thousands present in Washington DC did none of these second amendment gun nuts, actually brandish a gun? No, there was a protest, that's all.
Little known this, but few living through a coup know there is one. That's because all free speech and the free press are muzzled. Then, the leaders of the coup hide behind a wall of steel. This sounds exactly like Washington DC on January 7th, 2021, the day after the protest.
So, we headed into a nightmare. All that DEI nonsense, woke agenda, Trans this and that were all designed to distract people from the things that really mattered, who owns what and who makes all the decisions, and finally, who gets to keep the cash.
But, we can go back to when this all started, and the blame must be laid at Barack Obama's feet. This Manchurian candidate used identity politics to segment the electorate, setting groups against one another just to garner support. He did this very successfully. He used identity politics because simply having 90% of the black vote wasn't enough to ensure victory, so he expanded that support and ended up with young voters and college educated women as well as the black vote.
Of course this was very cynical and we soon found out that hope and change meant Wall Street in the ascendency. Obama was a servant of Big Capital.
But then Donald Trump surprised everyone with his victory in 2016. The vote was rigged, but Obama's side miscalculated by not rigging enough, and Trump snuck through. Oh dear, the US media, Capitol Hill and Wall Street went into a blind panic that was sustained for four years. Trump made the mistake of thinking he could deal with the swamp, hence all kinds of backstabbers found their way into offices around him.
Then came the coup in 2020, and the rigging was now massive in scale. The cabal, as I like to call them, were prepared to do anything to get rid of Trump. This wasn't to save the country, oh no, they needed to protect their franchises and sources of wealth, that's all.
In 2021, following the swearing in of dementia riddled Joe Biden, a man who was simply a front for a third term Obama, saw Trump marched out of the Oval Office. But the following four years were so badly managed, that the country was brought to its knees. This lot were so incompetent, they couldn't even assassinate a former President, despite having several goes at it.
And so, certain interests had that summit, and decided to change direction. Trump was back and this time, all hell is breaking loose. No kid gloves with the media, they're out, the swamp is being drained and Europe is being told to sort themselves out. Canada and Mexico have been opposed to Trump and so they're targeted as well. And Russia is not the enemy, no American wants to fight for the Ukraine, which is actually part of Russia and the most corrupt country in Europe.
I inelegantly put it like this: if you think Trans story time hour is a good idea, then you're not going to get much mileage out of the new order. In fact, it is highly likely the new order will find you and shut you down. And me, I find this all very entertaining.
But, since Trump announced a desire to halve military spending, and an intention to get Russia and China on board with this as well, the military industrial complex may not take this lightly. Clearly, they're not part of the countercoup. Securing JD Vance as Vice President seems to be a form of insurance, because if Trump is removed, Vance seems more strident, so it would be out of the frying pan and into the fire.