February 28, 2025

Ukraine Rare Earths Deal Makes No Sense

The US is romancing Russia in its supposed rare earth resource deal with Ukraine. That's because, the US, Canada and Australia already have proven reserves waiting to go ahead (and which don't need discovering), while it is Russia that needs mining technology and capital from the US:


It is economically counterproductive in the extreme to propose wasting American public capital on Ukrainian mineral riches’ discovery and development when American, Canadian, and Australian deposits simply await government approval to go ahead.

The sole area of advantage to the U.S. that the Ukrainian mineral story supports is a political one, and the target isn’t Ukraine. It’s Russia, which has a bad case of the resource curse. Its economy is dependent on oil produced in fields developed by guess-which-country, but has vast known mineral wealth undeveloped due to Russia’s long history of not allowing the free market to operate, and so discouraging private development.

Epstein Files - Phase 1 Released

The first phase of the Epstein files have been released. Turns out, the flight logs that were out there on the internet are real, well, well, but we were told they were fake. A legal commentator said these files will be interesting for their content and lack of content as well. Now that these files are proven real, how about some formal questioning, under caution, of those people so named?

As more phases are rolled out, there will be more information - obviously - but the saying there will be nowhere to hide comes to mind. Some people may be about to have their reputations ruined.

February 27, 2025

Pam Bondi to Release Epstein Information

In recent comments US Attorney General, Pam Bondi has said she will release information about who were recorded as passengers on flights to Epstein's island. This information could be available as early as Thursday (ET-US).

The rumour mill has reports of what was going on on that island, and it is pretty nasty stuff. It's good if we get to find out exactly who went there.


Attorney General Pam Bondi revealed on Wednesday that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is set to release information related to Jeffrey Epstein on Thursday. Speaking with Jesse Watters on Jesse Watters Primetime, Bondi stated: “What you’re going to see, hopefully tomorrow, is a lot of flight logs, a lot of names, a lot of information.”

February 26, 2025

New Zealand No Longer Developed

We can dismiss New Zealand's claim that it is a developed economy. In 2022, the government allowed NZ's only oil refinery to close down. Instead, the facility now operates only as a fuel import terminal. 

The stupidity of this is obvious; New Zealand has crude oil but cannot refine it even if it wanted to, and finished fuel imports wholly rely on tankers suitable for the task and they are much fewer in number than crude oil tankers. 

NZ must fail. Its supply lines are long and its location remote. NZ is not a continental country where fuel can simply be trucked across the border, or fed by a foreign pipeline. A tanker is looking at a month, minimum, as a round trip to NZ.

But, the government report says importing finished fuels only, is the same as importing crude anyway. Who comes up with this nonsense? I'm not even bothering to link the report, it is simply worthless and not even good enough for a laugh. 

Then NZ First MP, Shane Jones has called for a special economic zone be set up around the site of the former oil refinery, to encourage biofuels and the like. Basically, this amounts to the taxpayer rewarding a company for an act of economic vandalism. I've got another approach, how about never voting for NZ First henceforth, drive these fools out of parliament.

Oil refining is a matter of national security. If you cannot secure your own resources then you're not a developed country. NZ, you're officially a laughing stock. 

Edit to add: having thought about it, this is what I think has gone on behind the scenes; the major fuel retailers and oil companies have said they wouldn't supply oil or buy the output of the refinery. Basically, they've stood over the country and the NZ government buckled. Back in the day, there used to be a NZ state owned fuel retailer called Europa. This meant fuel supplies were always guaranteed as it kept the oil companies honest. Well, that is gone and here is NZ being held to ransom. NZ politicians are as weak as weasel piss.

And the reported cost of a refinery is complete nonsense. You can buy oil refinery components off the shelf in China. You just visit Refineries R Us and choose the output you want, available off the shelf. And, I'm only slightly kidding, the refinery shop actually has a name like Gladness Bright Path Engineering and Precision Machining. 

February 25, 2025

What You Accomplished Last Week

Elon Musk is a liability within the current US administration. The recent email to federal government employees treats them as imbeciles, and the message itself is facile to say the least.

This is the message: 

So, are we to assume that if you don't answer, you're fired? Some employees are working on complex tasks, and these matters won't be completed for months, possibly years. By the same token, it invites answers, such as: solved world hunger and created peace for all mankind; or, sat at desk and did a lot of thinking. You get the idea.

Sending out a message such as this tells me Musk isn't that bright. He needs to be cut loose and the sooner the better.

Dan Bongino Named

OK, Donald Trump will be going after people; he's just named Dan Bongino as deputy director of the FBI. He's the guy who absolutely ripped the FBI into shreds during his podcasts following the assassination attempt of Trump in Pennsylvania.


February 24, 2025

Chinese Navy Tasman Sea

New Zealand media managed to coax a statement out of the Chinese ambassador about China's naval vessels exercising in the Tasman Sea. The ambassador, when asked what were China doing off the coast of Australia, replied what was Australia and New Zealand doing off the coast of China. These weren't his exact words, but that's essentially what he said.

So, we can conclude that China has not forgotten last year when Japanese, Australian and New Zealand naval vessels sailed through the Taiwan Strait, much to China's objections. Fair enough China, you're making a statement.

I made a blog post last September about this passage through the Taiwan Strait, and reminded my readers that the three nations were allies during the First World War. Heh, China is pissed and their Tasman Sea exercise is their clapback. 


February 23, 2025

Increase Defence Spending

Thank you to China for showing up in the Tasman Sea and rattling its sabre. Finally, the stupid politicians in Wellington are seeing that New Zealand does not live in a benign security environment:


I suggest NZ look at the following type of aircraft: https://www.northropgrumman.com/what-we-do/air/triton 

MQ-4C Triton

When it comes to attacking surface targets, kamikaze drones could be used to good effect. By swarming them, one is likely to get through a ship's defences. 

But, here's the thing: all of this is academic if the NZ government fails to address the underlying and very serious problem; and that is the government presents no reason for the young to want to fight for their country. In 2020, we all saw how the NZ government tried to kill its own people, put everyone under house arrest, wrecked lives. Then, they came in with jab mandates. If any young person asks me if they should sign up; my reaction is, are you a fool?

So, mea culpa required, change your ways NZ government, we see you, and we're not prepared to fight your wars.

Oh, and just to add: one seriously equipped warship parked off NZ's coast, effectively owns the country. NZ does not refine its own fuels, and the one hostile vessel would prevent fuel supplies arriving, and shut the whole country down. No farm output, no transport, the place comes to a standstill. You cannot even make this stuff up if you tried, New Zealand has reached peak stupidity. 

Trump Checking Fort Knox

Donald Trump is personally going to Fort Knox to check the gold is there. If the gold isn't there, I hate to contemplate the consequences. Auditors will need to check gold purity, and ensure that lead bricks haven't just been plated with gold. To do this, they'll need to physically weigh gold bars, chosen randomly. 

February 22, 2025

Where's The Gold?

Is this the beginning of the end? Turns out, there is not enough gold in the vaults of London, and now Fort Knox is being called into question. 

Where did the gold disappear to?

February 21, 2025

Chinese Warship Presence

Chinese warships are sailing off the east coast of Australia, near Sydney. New Zealand has gone into a panic, particularly as it lacks a navy and air force. By that I mean, NZ has no warship capable of meaningful surface combat and it completely lacks a fast, high flying air-to-air and air-to-surface strike capability. The current mess NZ finds itself in is a direct result of the Helen Clark years, when she said NZ lived in a benign security environment. Could anyone be more stupid? They couldn't, that's why NZ's prime minister at the time, moved on to the United Nations after her tenure came to an end. Since then, things have worsened, so much so that now NZ lacks a defence altogether. 

NZ, grow a pair, and employ drones capable of patrolling NZ's maritime environment and with the ability to attack. This would be enough to deter aggressors.

February 20, 2025

The 1963 Coup

Oliver Stone nails it, we now know what he was saying is true. A shadow government runs the US, and in 2020 we saw rigged elections worldwide, including in New Zealand, and in 2024 the US underwent a countercoup. 

February 19, 2025

New Zealand Tax Issues

Did you know that right now in New Zealand the taxman, aka Inland Revenue, is clamping down hard on everyone? For the last five years they've been nicey nicey, and if you listened to the prime minister, condom-head Christopher Luxon, then you'd think the government was listening proactively, and taking actions that were sensitive to group needs and all the while fully embracing LGBTQ+ and the many diverse and inclusive whanau out there. 

I tried to sound like Luxon just then, but he's actually a prize prick. Luxon looks like a timeshare salesman from the 1990's, and with the brain of a post office clerk. If he ever had an original idea, he'd die of fright. 

So, what are Inland Revenue up to? Here's a quick rundown, but get in touch with your accountant if you think you are impacted, don't rely on my advice:

  • Audits were up 55% in the last quarter of 2024 (compared to the corresponding quarter in 2023)
  • New computer is looking for undeclared income; such as real estate transactions, crypto-coins, reward points with retailers - particularly spending at liquor stores, vape stores, hairdressers, and nail salons. 
  • Charities are in the spotlight once again, so watch out Brian Tamaki, the recent noises in your direction are not only designed to shut you down, but tax you as well. All those caring people looking to protect Trans story time hour, are actually working for the government.
  • Fringe benefits and the treatment of shareholder accounts are coming under increased scrutiny.
The government are doing all this to grab your money off you, and then to waste it. Expect more DEI hires in the military and spending on wingnuttery. The roads will still be built to nowhere, everything will leak, we'll just be poorer overall. Given how stretched people are at the moment, going after people right now isn't the answer, stimulating growth and taking the foot off the taxpayers necks is the answer.

And don't expect any better from Labour. Chris Hipkins, that little dweeb, such a nasty little man who will go door to door to find you - he actually said that, don't forget - was this week hanging out with Victoria University of Wellington students, where his heartland voter base hides. He's plotting his comeback and dreaming up ways to inflict pain just as bad. You'll never find Hipkins hanging out with truck drivers, does he even know one? 

My suggestion: ditch these clowns in Wellington. We need South Island independence, and the stopping of direct personal income tax. Oh, and drill baby, drill.

February 18, 2025

Europe's Crybaby Leaders

Check this out, in response to JD Vance's criticism, European leaders cry like a bunch of eight-year-olds. 

February 17, 2025

Matt Goodwin: Europe's Biggest Lie?

Personally, I think Europe's biggest lie is their saying they have the answer to everything. They do this through a myriad of systems all the time, whether it is through their rigged university rankings, or rules regarding business, insurance, or the media narrative which always has it that Europe knows it all.

But here, Matt Goodwin comments on US Vice President, JD Vance calling out Europe for suppressing free speech, and for acting against the interests or will of its own people.

The Trumpian Countercoup

Working hypothesis this; I think what we are currently witnessing is a countercoup in the US. Following the failed assassination attempts on Donald Trump, the cabal or 'powers-that-be' must have held a meeting and realised their heads were on the block. They pivoted swiftly, and what we are now seeing with executive orders aplenty, are measures setting out to completely reverse the direction of the last four years, or to establish new systems, and to set new directions altogether. 

We witnessed a coup in 2020, the final part of that coup was January 6th, 2021. This is called an insurrection but in reality it was a protest. Ask yourself this, if an insurrection then how come amongst the thousands present in Washington DC did none of these second amendment gun nuts, actually brandish a gun? No, there was a protest, that's all.

Little known this, but few living through a coup know there is one. That's because all free speech and the free press are muzzled. Then, the leaders of the coup hide behind a wall of steel. This sounds exactly like Washington DC on January 7th, 2021, the day after the protest.

So, we headed into a nightmare. All that DEI nonsense, woke agenda, Trans this and that were all designed to distract people from the things that really mattered, who owns what and who makes all the decisions, and finally, who gets to keep the cash.

But, we can go back to when this all started, and the blame must be laid at Barack Obama's feet. This Manchurian candidate used identity politics to segment the electorate, setting groups against one another just to garner support. He did this very successfully. He used identity politics because simply having 90% of the black vote wasn't enough to ensure victory, so he expanded that support and ended up with young voters and college educated women as well as the black vote. 

Of course this was very cynical and we soon found out that hope and change meant Wall Street in the ascendency. Obama was a servant of Big Capital.

But then Donald Trump surprised everyone with his victory in 2016. The vote was rigged, but Obama's side miscalculated by not rigging enough, and Trump snuck through. Oh dear, the US media, Capitol Hill and Wall Street went into a blind panic that was sustained for four years. Trump made the mistake of thinking he could deal with the swamp, hence all kinds of backstabbers found their way into offices around him. 

Then came the coup in 2020, and the rigging was now massive in scale. The cabal, as I like to call them, were prepared to do anything to get rid of Trump. This wasn't to save the country, oh no, they needed to protect their franchises and sources of wealth, that's all. 

In 2021, following the swearing in of dementia riddled Joe Biden, a man who was simply a front for a third term Obama, saw Trump marched out of the Oval Office. But the following four years were so badly managed, that the country was brought to its knees. This lot were so incompetent, they couldn't even assassinate a former President, despite having several goes at it. 

And so, certain interests had that summit, and decided to change direction. Trump was back and this time, all hell is breaking loose. No kid gloves with the media, they're out, the swamp is being drained and Europe is being told to sort themselves out. Canada and Mexico have been opposed to Trump and so they're targeted as well. And Russia is not the enemy, no American wants to fight for the Ukraine, which is actually part of Russia and the most corrupt country in Europe. 

I inelegantly put it like this: if you think Trans story time hour is a good idea, then you're not going to get much mileage out of the new order. In fact, it is highly likely the new order will find you and shut you down. And me, I find this all very entertaining. 

But, since Trump announced a desire to halve military spending, and an intention to get Russia and China on board with this as well, the military industrial complex may not take this lightly. Clearly, they're not part of the countercoup. Securing JD Vance as Vice President seems to be a form of insurance, because if Trump is removed, Vance seems more strident, so it would be out of the frying pan and into the fire.

February 16, 2025

Royal Navy Kaput

Will the last person out of the building, please turn the light out, thank you.

February 15, 2025

The JD Vance Speech

File this under: suck it up cupcakes.

US Vice President, JD Vance has called out the European elites for their rank hypocrisy while speaking at the Munich Security Conference. I particularly enjoyed his mention of these elites - people I call the princes of Europe - fearing their own people. He nailed it. He also nailed it when mentioning that face of corporate Green interests, Greta Thunberg.

I believe we are witnessing a new Yalta Agreement moment. In 1945, three powers met at Yalta and divided up post-war Europe. Attendees present were Winston Churchill, FDR and Stalin. Now, in 2025 Britain is no longer invited. Europe's fate is for the US and Russia to decide. 

Unleashing Energy and Stopping the Jab

Donald Trump has just signed executive orders, halting federal funding of jab mandates in schools, and as well as that, the US is to pursue energy dominance.

Are you taking notice New Zealand? Stop the jab, and get NZ's massive energy potential fully developed. Oh, and start refining oil, enough already.

Elon Musk Fool

File this under; be careful what you wish for.

Elon Musk, while talking in the oval office with Donald Trump right alongside him, went into a long shock horror soliloquy about how US federal records are stored deep underground in a mine. Like, this is a terribly dated thing, right?

Wrong, it's a brilliant idea and best practice. For starters, the mine protects delicate records in a safe place, and protected from nuclear war to boot.  If the US went all modern and placed these records in a digital form, an enemy could take the entire US down simply by taking out the electricity supply.

Yeah, you need physical files, stored safely.

At times, Elon Musk proves he's a fool. He makes the worst car in the world and struggles to launch rockets. His so-called wealth relies on the US taxpayer funneling funds to him. He's a complete clown. 

The sad part of this is that Donald Trump appears easily swayed by people such as Musk. The reality is that DOGE could be working fine without Musk, cleverer brains than his are using the AI tools uncovering the waste, fraud and abuse. The world does not need an Elon Musk thinking he knows better than everyone else.

February 14, 2025

NBA Three-point Field Goal - Suggest Rule Change

NBA games have developed into three-point field goal shooting contests. Several reasons for this, the first being shooting accuracy has improved. The second is down to game statisticians who point out that a three-point goal is worth a lot more than a two-pointer. Thus, players now often step back behind the three point line to ensure a higher return. The downside is that fans are subjected to a lot of misses, and this is very boring to watch.

Change the Rule

I suggest a three-point light be introduced that is activated by the score bench. When illuminated it allows a three-point shot, but when the light is off any shot from the field is only worth two points.

Like this: when the game starts each team will have their respective three point light showing. When a three-point shot is attempted, the referee indicates, and if the shot scores the light stays on and the referee motions to the score bench, counting three points. However, when a three-point shot is missed, the light goes out. Thereafter, a two-point shot must be made to once again get the three-point light back on (free throws would also count toward resetting the three-point shot).

This simple rule would prevent the three-point shot boring play you see now. Many times the offensive team can regain possession off a missed shot and repeat the three-point attempt. It becomes 'bombs away' play. With this simple rule, any missed attempt at a three-pointer would mean any basket must be first scored to get the three-pointer back, so teams would experience no advantage if they kick the ball back out to the wings for a low percentage shot.

This is an idea worth investigating as it promotes play across the whole court, and counters the addiction teams have to putting up as many three-point attempts as they can.

February 13, 2025

DataRepublican Uncovers Waste and Fraud?

RFK Jr's running mate in the 2024 Presidential election campaign, Nicole Shanahan talks to one of the AI tool developers uncovering massive waste and outright fraud within the US Federal government:

February 12, 2025

Elon Musk On DOGE

 What everyone suspected goes on, is in fact going on. Clearly, there needs to be arrests:

February 10, 2025

USAID Corruption

The corruption being uncovered at USAID is breathtaking in scale.

New Zealand Government Spending

Since 2020, New Zealand government spending as a percentage of GDP has increased markedly. Both the Labour and now National governments are drunk on spending taxpayers money. Of course, the economy is also contracting slightly, and this makes things worse. Basically, tax cuts won't address the problem, what we need right now is a reduction in government spending overall.

Super Bowl LIX

I watched the first half of the 59th Super Bowl. I thought, if it was an interesting contest, I'd see it through but that wasn't necessary as the game was effectively over at halftime with the Philadelphia Eagles up 24-0. The Eagles dominated and effectively smashed their much fancied opponent. 

Watching that first half, one thing seemed obvious, the Eagles came ready to play; they had energy, commitment, skill, speed, while the Chiefs looked sluggish and half asleep. Maybe they'd been out on the tiles the night before and came to the game with hangovers?

I still don't understand the rules of the game, many of them appear counter to what football is about. Examples I cite are where there are incomplete plays, and the quarterback intentionally throws the ball out of bounds, and another where if a knee hits the ground, that's it, play stops. The first touchdown by the Eagles was disallowed for the latter reason. In both versions of rugby, that would be a try well executed. Rugby players are taught how to slide into the scoring area for a try, so from my perspective that play was exciting and then to see it scrubbed was disappointing. 

Anyway, the Super Rugby season is about to start, here's hoping the Crusaders can win it and add to their already cluttered trophy cabinet. Oh, and I saw Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl, now her beau can pop the question and get on with it, unburdened by what has been (see what I did there). 

February 09, 2025

Boston Celtics For Sale

A few months back, the owners of the Boston Celtics put the NBA team on the market. The reason given was due to estate issues, which I interpret to mean family members want their money out.

So, what is the team worth? A lot of pundits place the value at between $5 and $6 billion. To me, that sounds light, any buyer interested in the team should come up with $8 billion. My thinking is pretty simple, the price paid must blow competing bids out of the way. 

Then, the highest price paid for an NBA team thus far is $4 billion paid for the Phoenix Suns. Think about this, the Suns have never won a championship, while the Celtics have won more than anyone else. The Celtics must be worth double the Suns.

The Boston Celtics are an iconic brand worldwide, known by everyone and are instantly recognisable.

Reading the linked article: https://www.sportico.com/leagues/basketball/2024/boston-celtics-sale-document-basketball-business-1234821085/ I find they do not own their stadium. Any future owner should calculate the cost of building a new stadium, and thus control the revenue stream that stadium would bring in. EBITDA is quite low at 6% of total revenue, and ticket sales are the biggest single source of revenue. This is consistent with the very traditional form of professional sports teams, and that is ticket sales pay player salaries. Profit is derived from all other sources of income, but that's just the traditional old-school model. Just looking at this alone, it appears the Celtics are run in quite an old fashioned way. 

At $8 billion, the Boston Celtics are a good buy. 

The Luka Doncic Trade

I thought this theory good enough to post about, and it aligns with my speculation that a side deal was done between the owners of the Lakers and Mavericks.

This particular theory is that the new majority owner of the Dallas Mavericks wants to relocate the team to Las Vegas, where the owners live and have their casinos. The team would become the Las Vegas Mavericks. To achieve this goal, they need to destroy the team in Dallas first, thus justifying the move. 

LeBron James has stated that he wants to own an NBA team in Las Vegas, so he's been sent Doncic to get more titles with, then he comes in as part of the ownership group of the Mavs in Las Vegas. 

It sounds a bit farfetched for my liking, but looking at the facial expressions of the Mavs coach, Jason Kidd at the announcement of the trade, we can assume people were told a pack of lies and that something went on behind the scenes. Personally, I prefer as a piece of speculation, that some kind of stadium deal was done between Adelson and Buss.

Another spin on this is that Las Vegas is being used as a bargaining chip to try and get gambling through the Texas legislature. This could have some legs, but I wouldn't think casinos would be welcomed in Texas, so this looks as if the Mavericks are off to Las Vegas if this is the strategy being used:

February 08, 2025

USAID Reform

While rather long, this Tucker Carlson interview of Mike Benz delves into the risks and necessities of conducting open heart surgery on the US Empire.

Normalcy Returns?

February 07, 2025

J.K. Rowling Congratulates Lefties

J.K. Rowling's use of apostrophes are on full display with this post on X. The photo of Donald Trump surrounded by girls is an iconic image, and the tide appears to have turned. Has the Democratic Party come to its senses yet?

February 06, 2025

Steven Adams and Lakers

The rumour linking the Houston Rockets big man, Steven Adams with the Los Angeles Lakers makes a lot of sense. Adams is coming to the end of his deal, and he would fill a hole left by the departing Anthony Davis. Adams is a good rebounder and one of the best NBA rebounders on offense. He comes in handy when setting blocks, he's like a brick wall. 

In a lineup alongside LeBron James and Luka Doncic (and other sharpshooters), he'd play a valuable role obtaining possession and making space available. The Lakers need to do the deal.


And on the subject of THE trade that became world news, I found this the best description of why it happened:


I'd add, with Miriam Adelson now being in charge at the Mavericks, did she and Jeannie Buss of the Lakers have a conversation to one side about the financing and construction of a new stadium for the Lakers, now that Steve Ballmer has built his new stadium for the Clippers? Did Adelson want to jettison Doncic from the roster, and what are his politics in relation to Israel exactly?

February 04, 2025

USAID Shutdown

The move to shut down the US aid programme does look dictatorial. My question is related to Elon Musk: who elected him? Elon Musk is not the entrepreneur he's touted as being. He's an invention of the US federal government and its spending, without which he'd be penniless. Not only that, he makes the world's worst car, Tesla, and rockets that are unreliable. For the latter, and an example of best practise he needs to take a trip to Russia, and for the former a trip to Japan.

I find myself agreeing with about 50% of what Donald Trump is doing. However, don't his recent moves look like Russia collusion? If you look back to just before last year's election, who stood isolated in the world? That would be Russia, with only a few close allies; namely, China, Iran, North Korea and Belarus. 

Now, Donald Trump is trying to upset all of America's closest allies; Mexico, Canada, and the EU. If you were Vladimir Putin, wouldn't you be dancing a jig right now? I think so. Then, Elon Musk has close links to China and het sets out to destroy US federal government institutions. Uhm...hellooo.

New Zealand and its Fuel Supply

New Zealand shut down its only oil refinery in 2022. The way things are currently headed, NZ could end up with no fuel as it lacks the ability to refine its own oil.

World shipping, especially crude oil shipments along with the shipping of finished fuels, is about to be disrupted. That's the effect of tariffs, especially the 10% tariff applied by the US on Canadian oil imports. 

Canada will now likely start exporting their surplus crude by ship to refineries worldwide. This diversion of oil away from pipelines will take up a percentage of the global tanker fleet. More crude oil being transported by ship, will result in more finished fuels being taken from those refineries by ship as well. 

This should result in an increase in supply of fuel globally, and so reduce prices. However, there is only a limited number of tankers out there and if they're all working on something else, how many will be available to deliver petrol, diesel and aviation gas to NZ bearing in mind it is two weeks to NZ and then two weeks back running empty. Hmm?

That's right, NZ is at the end of the queue and may find itself unable to obtain spare capacity as all ships are working somewhere else.

Trump Ignorance OMG

I just heard Donald Trump bemoaning how Europe doesn't take American cars and I just shook my head. He's simply ignorant regarding the history of the US and European car production. Ford cars are seen in Europe, they're made there but have had a declining market share since they're not as good as competing brands. Likewise GM, the maker of Chevrolet, but in Europe they were Vauxhall and Opel. GM went bust and so Vauxhall and Opel were sold off. 

The failure of American car brands in Europe is the result of US incompetence and inability to make a decent car, and not because the Europeans shut them out. 

February 03, 2025

What's Coming Next from Donald Trump?

Donald Trump talked to reporters after he arrived at Joint Base Andrews, near Washington DC. He outlined further measures, including stopping aid to South Africa, and tariffs on the EU but not on the UK at this stage. He seemed to suggest that the trade balance between the UK and US can be addressed. 

Lab Leak Theory Proven

For years governments worldwide, along with scientists and the media lied about the origins of the virus. It was manufactured in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. It leaked from there. The virus did not jump from animals to humans.

[Edit to add seeing as people are reading this; what I think happened - pure speculation and conjecture here - and something I've been saying for years now, is that the virus leaked from the lab in Wuhan. This bio-weapon was virulent to begin with and the local area in Wuhan was impacted, followed by northern Italy as there are many flights from China to Italy (people may remember this sequence of events). But seeing as it was a man-made virus, it acted the way all bio-weapons do, it weakened rapidly as it mutated, it simply couldn't survive in the wild. But there was mass panic, and governments everywhere took the chance to implement draconian measures while at the same time keeping people in the dark. China effectively controls the WHO and we saw this in plain sight, thus the flow of information became fully propagandist. Then, Big Pharma saw the opportunity to roll out its experimental medical procedures, all the while being protected from legal liability. Governments showed great alacrity as senior politicians also profited. Then, finally, and in order to cement the controls and profit-taking, elections worldwide were rigged. Once again, we saw this in plain sight but most refused to see the obvious. The end result was mass murder, firstly by China whether knowingly or unknowingly, and then by governments and their senior politicians who stood to massively gain. The worst part of this story is they'll get away with it.]

February 02, 2025

New Zealand Visa Waiver and Israel

I tend to agree with the reports from Israel. The New Zealand government are denying requiring Israelis disclose their military service, but anyone who has completed an electronic travel authorisation will know these types of forms ask all sorts of questions. The USA asks that many questions, your head will start spinning.


New Zealand’s government immigration authority has begun to require Israelis applying for a visa to report details of their military service as a condition for entry, and at least one person has been denied admission after doing so, The Times of Israel has learned.

Canada Counter Tariffs

OK, so this has become a tariff war, this will start to ramp up:

Who Pays a Tariff?

I've found a useful explanation on how tariffs actually work. I don't talk about myself all that much, but something I can say is that I've done a lot of import and export, with goods heading all over the world. I find myself agreeing with the man from shoemaker, Deer Stags.

I now notice talk of the US soon to impose a worldwide 10% tariff on imports. But, I wonder how much of these moves from Donald Trump are actually targeting those who have criticised him, it's kind of convenient that the leaders of Mexico and Canada are both opponents of Trump. Using that logic, the UK must now be in the crosshairs since the UK Labour party sent activists to the US to actively campaign for Kamala Harris. That may come back to bight Keir Starmer on the arse.

More Scandal

With the latest revelations surrounding Prince Andrew's contact with and activities with Jeffrey Epstein, it is about time the British handed him over to the FBI for a formal interview. The email Epstein sent is really quite telling, it used the words "...we'll play some more soon!!!

February 01, 2025

Dreaded Tariffs

Are we about to enter another era of tariff wars worldwide? We are if the soon to be imposed tariffs on Canada and Mexico come into effect.

Tariffs are usually a negative and are inflationary. They impact the less well off, as well as those on fixed incomes. The effect of this in the USA will also result in US manufactured goods that rely on imported components, becoming more expensive. Workers will lose their jobs. 

However, on the other side of the equation; with oil and gas being fully exploited and with oil going into every part of our lives, then the lower prices at the pump will temper the inflationary effects of the tariffs. 

It's a wait and see. By comparison, Japan play the game differently as they don't rely on tariffs, but they do use complicated regulations to protect their own industry. An example is with rice. Japan require all rice consumed to be grown in the country, as a matter of strategic importance. However, they do import rice, but it gets further processed into such things as rice crackers. In Japan, you cannot buy foreign rice to be consumed as rice itself.

Below embed is the best I can find so far on the effect of tariffs, apologies for the speaker treating everyone as if they're imbeciles: