[Edit to add seeing as people are reading this; what I think happened - pure speculation and conjecture here - and something I've been saying for years now, is that the virus leaked from the lab in Wuhan. This bio-weapon was virulent to begin with and the local area in Wuhan was impacted, followed by northern Italy as there are many flights from China to Italy (people may remember this sequence of events). But seeing as it was a man-made virus, it acted the way all bio-weapons do, it weakened rapidly as it mutated, it simply couldn't survive in the wild. But there was mass panic, and governments everywhere took the chance to implement draconian measures while at the same time keeping people in the dark. China effectively controls the WHO and we saw this in plain sight, thus the flow of information became fully propagandist. Then, Big Pharma saw the opportunity to roll out its experimental medical procedures, all the while being protected from legal liability. Governments showed great alacrity as senior politicians also profited. Then, finally, and in order to cement the controls and profit-taking, elections worldwide were rigged. Once again, we saw this in plain sight but most refused to see the obvious. The end result was mass murder, firstly by China whether knowingly or unknowingly, and then by governments and their senior politicians who stood to massively gain. The worst part of this story is they'll get away with it.]
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