
March 31, 2024

Farmers and 2024

2024 is going to be an eventful year. Right now, across Europe farmers are protesting and they've been at it for months. You won't see much about this on lamestream media and if you do, they're described as fringe lunatics backed by far right groups.

What is actually happening? Governments across the western world are going to war with small farmers. Measures are being implemented to break the back of farmers, and drive them to the wall. These measures are said to be climate change related, but in reality it is a land grab and shift in control of the food supply. It amounts to a transfer of wealth from these small farmers, to corporate interests.

People had better wake up, as food insecurity looms large. Land grabs like this always lead to famine. Students of history know this process well, it was tried during the first five year plan of the Soviet Union; millions died.

In New Zealand, most individual wealth is held in land, and the richest are the farmers. This had led farmers to think they're part of the powerful elite. In the past this was true, and they've been used to put down strikes. Massey's Cossacks during the 1913 Great Strike were farmers and farm workers who were recruited as special constables. They rode their horses to town and beat up the striking workers, hence the moniker, Cossacks.

But, in this new age being rolled out since 2020, farmers are now seen as redundant, and more likely troublemakers as well. New Zealand farmers do not realise their usual representatives, namely the National Party, Federated Farmers and their ilk, have sold them out. That's right, just as the Greens in New Zealand are now serving overseas corporate Green interests, the National Party and Fed' Farmers are serving overseas corporate agricultural interests. However, so entrenched are farmers in their views, and so weak in standing up to the government, New Zealand is unlikely to follow the farmers in the Netherlands or Poland. NZ is likely to fail - sadly.

P Diddy and the Feds

Those following the whole P Diddy business must surely see the similarity with Jeffrey Epstein. Back when Epstein was arrested in 2019, I had a friend predict he wouldn't live to the end of the year. He was so right, incredible.

P Diddy appears to be the rap/hip-hop version of Epstein. Even the bust itself looks similar, with boxes of evidence being taken away by the authorities. The only difference is that we do not know the whereabouts of Diddy right now. Where in the world is Diddy?

Speculating about this: maybe he's in witness protection. Was he working for the Feds? 

Don't be surprised if the contents of those boxes are never disclosed, and if P Diddy is unalived. Given the extent of his nefarious activities, he'd know a lot, too much. You know what I'm saying?

But then again, it's an election year and maybe the Biden administration needs some runs on the board to sell the gullible public. 

I have seen recent comments from people I follow; Azealia Banks said that P Diddy beat his long time partner Cassie Ventura so badly that he sent her to Hawaii for three weeks, to hide the marks. Ms Ventura sued in 2023, claiming a long cycle of domestic abuse, and Diddy settled the very next day.

The cynic in me thinks all this is now coming to light because elections are looming. But the other side of me is relieved people can see the difficult path women and young people have to take in the entertainment business. It is a business that attracts perverts.

March 30, 2024

Global Population Decline

Park this one under; will someone tell the Green movement to 'shut the hell up'. If the worldwide population is set to decline, why are we chasing our tails with their Eco nonsense? Won't emissions reduce as the fewer consumers belch less emissions (heh...too many cows - get it)?

New Zealand is an interesting case. The replacement level of the population is 2.10 births per woman. The last time NZ was at that level was 2012. Yes, the rate of births has declined significantly over time, from 1960 when each woman had 4.10 children, on average, through to today where women have about 1.60 children. Within this long term trend, the birth rate has fluctuated; NZ dropped off in the 1990's, then built it back to 2012's level, and now things have dropped off again. 

Below I embed an Al Jazeera video looking at the topic, but I disagree with a lot of the rationale used. I think the cost of living is directly to blame. Where families are supported and where incomes are sufficient, people still have babies. 

Right now, we are faced with governments trying to kill us, destroy us, tax us into oblivion and offer no support whatsoever, so what do you think is not going to happen? That's right, they're not having kids is what is not going to happen.

What I am saying is that New Zealand's record proves that despite having a high standard of living and an educated workforce, that given the right conditions, the birth rate can be maintained at no less than replacement levels.

But, hang on, Africa has a fast growing population, the average age of sub-Saharan Africa is about 18. They're poor right? Right, but the cost of living is not so bad and they have resources coming on stream. Off the back of those resources and the related employment it creates, plus the lower cost of living, they can have large families. There is a strong incentive to get out there and earn, to make the family richer. 

People look at poorer countries and assume they'll have large families, but when you look closely, you'll find their pace of development is high. Their cost of living is low, and barriers to entry for business and professionals are not insurmountable. Larger families can grab a greater share of this wealth being created. Think of this as a fairer distribution of wealth.

Meanwhile, in the West there are many barriers to entry. It takes too long to become qualified when entering the workforce. By the time people are fully up to speed, they're in their thirties and for women, they have a far narrower window through which to make babies.

If you want to see birth rates rise; support families, remove barriers to entry, exploit resources and lower the cost of living.

March 29, 2024

Hydroxychloroquine is Effective

In the early days of the Covid panic, hydroxychloroquine was found to work. Even US President, Donald Trump said so, he made numerous statements recommending it. But, then it all stopped. Why was that?

Ivermectin: FDA Allows it to be Mentioned Now

But, I bet Google and the other government propaganda flunkies will still clamp down, they're slow to adjust to the new normal: Ivermectin was a useful therapeutic, and the jab is an ineffectual nonsense, with no efficacy and only likely to cause harm.

March 28, 2024

CBDC's Coming Soon

Within a year to two years, central bank digital currencies will be real and active. Your money will no longer be money, it will be tokens that governments can cancel or control at whim. For instance, if you exceed your carbon footprint, your access to money may be restricted:

RFK Jr Announces Running Mate

Independent US presidential candidate, RFK Jr has announced Nicole Shanahan as his running mate. This is a good decision, she's educated and successful, and the right age-range and demographic.

Shanahan has Big Tech connections, so if she was to get elected, we'd soon find out whose side she's on.

March 27, 2024

NZ Rugby Grassroots Jettisoned

In what must be seen as some kind of corporate takeover of NZ Rugby, sweeping changes have been proposed to the governance structure of the game in New Zealand.

Provincial unions, the heartland of the game will be sidelined and a new Council will rule the game as a supreme all-knowing and all-seeing entity, answerable to itself only, and dictating everything to the provinces.

Are you going to take this lying down provincial NZ?

Dame Patsy Reddy threatened to resign if the proposals weren't adopted. Who cares, she's a softly spoken nincompoop. Tell her to leave.

The obvious answer to what is going on in the game of Rugby in NZ; tell them to go heave, leave and set up your own governance structure. Leave NZ Rugby an orphan child, with no pathway to its representative teams, much like the Harlem Globetrotters, remember them?

March 26, 2024

P Diddy and Prince Harry

Prince Harry has been named in a civil suit filed against rapper P Diddy, real name Sean Combs:

Prince Harry is named on page 63 of 73 pages in total.

Now, we know that subsequently P Diddy's homes have been raided by the US Federal authorities, and people were seen being taken away in handcuffs. 

Serious questions now need to be asked of Prince Harry; what does he know about these allegations?

Stumbling toward World War III

I'm convinced that Washington DC and NATO have no idea of what, exactly, Russia is capable of. The people now in charge have no understanding of what an out of control Russian army is like. Keep poking the bear, and you'll find out.

UN Security Council Vote

About time, finally we have a UN Security Council vote calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. But the big question now must be, will Israel listen?

March 25, 2024

Kamala Harris Taking Over?

Has anyone else noticed the MSM are pushing Kamala Harris more these days? This has me thinking that Joe Biden will soon be replaced by Harris, and they'll go into the Presidential Election with her. 

My thinking: the Democratic party would love to have the first female President of the United States. Not only that, the move may stop the migration of college educated women to the Republicans and independent candidates such as RFK Jr. 

With Joe Biden obviously senile, he's turning a lot of voters off, and this move could also stem the outgoing tide leading into the 2024 House of Representatives elections.  

Replacing Joe Biden would be the right move. I've read how the Dems are caught like a deer in the headlights, not knowing which way to go. This move makes them look modern and listening to their voter base. If this is to happen, they need to make it so within the next month.

Stellantis Layoffs

I wonder how much the EV nonsense had to do with the world's fourth largest car maker laying off staff?

March 24, 2024

France in Ukraine

France is in no shape to put boots on the ground in Ukraine:

March 23, 2024

Moscow Terror Attack

Things are continuing to unravel, now we have a terror attack in Moscow. Who had the stupid idea to back this. Any ideas?

Catherine Middleton Cancer

The World is waking up to the news that Catherine Middleton, aka The Princess of Wales has received a cancer diagnosis and is undergoing chemotherapy. We all wish her a speedy recovery. Her full statement can be found at the following link:

Macron Backtracks

Someone seems to have sat down France's President with the Napoleon complex, Emmanuel Macron and explained to him that NATO is not going to put boots on the ground in Ukraine. Word is that Ukraine is now at 30% of nominal strength and could implode any day. As I said before, watch for Zelensky and the Ukrainian cabal making a run for it. When this happens, Ukraine will fall in less than a week. 

March 22, 2024

US Supreme Court and the First Amendment

Below you will find Matt Taibbi being interviewed about US Government overreach in censoring speech, and the case involving social media companies currently before the US Supreme Court. 

The justices have a balancing act to perform. On the one hand, private companies must have the right to trade profitably, legally, and to make decisions about the environment its staff and customers inhabit. In this case, what kind of social media experience users will enjoy. On the other hand, government must be able to call anyone up about anything that concerns them, and not be hamstrung by rules that may prevent them from governing effectively. 

So, what happens if the government is effectively threatening, cajoling and coercing social media to behave, and what if the result of these actions are people cannot communicate with one another in a way that allows the free flow of information. Is there such a thing as acceptable, and unacceptable information?

Is the government always right, and does the government know what truth is, and does it decide what a fact is? Clearly, they are not always right and are not the single source of truth. But in a social media environment, some moderation is required as if you don't moderate to some extent, the place becomes a shouting match where bullies prevail and where the boorish fill up the place with distasteful behaviour.

Matt Taibbi proved that governments have backdoors into these social media companies; they ban people, remove content, censor free speech. As an example, right now my replies on YouTube are being scrubbed. Only certain opinions are countenanced. Quite frankly, I fail to see how that approach helps anyone, it certainly doesn't lead to greater understanding by those involved in a conversation.

I should point out the elephant sitting in the corner of the room. Clearly, there is an agenda here limiting free speech. Across the developed world, governments are at war with its own people. Some would argue this has been going on for a long time, but I would say that that has certainly been the case since 2020. So, when it comes to the US Supreme Court making a good decision in balancing private and government interests, I'm not holding my breath.

March 21, 2024

Obama at No.10 Downing Street

They're flaunting it in our faces once again; now former US President, Barack Obama has visited the British prime minister, Rishi Sunak and used the front door to No.10 Downing Street in London. No.10 is the official place of business for the prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Who is really in charge now appears obvious, Obama is running the show. Clearly, it cannot be the senile Joe Biden.

What did they talk about? The below article says he was at No.10 to talk about AI. Oh really, well I'm not buying it. More likely, they talked about what's in store next in their quest to destroy everything. That's not how they see it of course, but that's the end result of their actions thus far.

What is in store? War with Russia must be top of the agenda. Good luck with that one Britain, as you'd last a couple of months at best. Then the rigging of the upcoming General Election, the date yet to be announced. Sunak is a useful toady, do they really trust Keir Starmer? 

Those would be the two items top of any agenda, not AI. 

Then lastly, if Donald Trump by some miracle overcomes the obvious rigging that goes on, and if Keir Starmer also wins in the UK, we could face a global takedown; internet gone, power grid down or intermittent, the global supply chain disrupted. Sounds conspiratorial I know, but after the last four years, can you blame me?

March 19, 2024

Newshub Bailout Looms?

I've been closely following statements by New Zealand cabinet ministers, about the plight of TV3's News operation and its planned shutdown by Warner Bros. Discovery. It's looking increasingly likely that this private company will be getting a taxpayer funded bailout. It makes my blood boil.

These were people who championed lockdowns and the jab. They're the lowest of the low. 

This latest government hasn't been in office very long, so it's about time they learnt to read the room. TV3 are loathed by the majority of the people. Bail them out at your peril as if you do, your re-election chances will plummet. Use taxpayer funds to deliver long awaited improvements to the country's infrastructure instead. 

Just watch the outrage if Newshub gets bailed out 

Valid Point

March 18, 2024

EV's Worth Nothing

You can't give the things away, EV's are junk.


March 10, 2024

General Election UK

Word is, the UK general election will be on the 2nd of May, 2024.

Is this going to be the end of the Conservatives?

Bank Bailouts

March 08, 2024

State of the Union Address

Joe Biden's State of the Union Address to the United States Congress could be written by anyone. It goes along the lines of unintelligible phrases with truncated words sprinkled here and there. Just make noises between each word pronounced as spelt below, like this:

Mericans....amily...scurity...Corpritt Merica...ordnary Mericans...struggle....hope...jication....fyucha...Mericans...versity...funamentle rights.

You get the idea. 

This is a system owned by corporate America,  anyone who believes this senile old man is in charge of anything must be seriously lying to themselves.  

Prince Harry's Visa Status

My money is on there being no paperwork at all. What do you think?

A judge has ordered the Department of Homeland Security to hand over sensitive material about Prince Harry’s immigration papers for him to review while he decides whether to make them public.

Judge Carl Nichols told DHS that its arguments so far were ‘insufficiently detailed’ for him to make a decision.

Strange Times

March 07, 2024

Smart Cities New Zealand

Be very afraid...

Trump v Biden v RFK Jr

2024 US Presidential candidate, Nikki Haley has dropped out of the race seeking the Republican nomination:

That leaves three main contestants:

Donald J Trump - Republican

Joe Biden - Democratic

Robert F Kennedy Jr - Independent

RFK Jr may become a spoiler as he is easily capable of winning a large percentage of the votes. What happens if no candidate reaches the 270 Electoral College votes required? The Hill has the answer to that, and yes, it gets complicated:

If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process and moves to Congress. The House of Representatives elects the President from the three (3) Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. Each State delegation has one vote and it is up to the individual States to determine how to vote. (Since the District of Columbia is not a State, it has no State delegation in the House and cannot vote). A candidate must receive at least 26 votes (a majority of the States) to be elected. The Senate elects the Vice President from the two (2) Vice Presidential candidates with the most electoral votes. Each Senator casts one vote for Vice President. (Since the District of Columbia is has no Senators and is not represented in the vote). A candidate must receive at least 51 votes (a majority of Senators) to be elected. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.

Wind and Solar Unreliable

Here's a useful outline of how wind and solar generated electricity makes the power grid less reliable:

The Jab

March 06, 2024

Quality Rant - UK Tory Party

TVNZ Crisis

First it was Warner Bros. Discovery announcing the closure of New Zealand's TV3 news department; now state owned TVNZ are about to make major cuts to their news section.

Hah, brilliant, these people conspired against the people, now they're about to lose their jobs, well, boohoo, they'll get no sympathy from me.

Catherine Middleton Spotted

Yay, TMZ have published a photo of the Princess of Wales out and about with her mother, Carole Middleton.

[ TMZ image displayed from internet: ]

March 05, 2024

Supreme Court's Trump Ruling

The US Supreme Court has ruled States cannot kick Donald Trump off the ballot:

States have no authority to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously Monday, short-circuiting efforts by his detractors to declare him disqualified over his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

March 03, 2024

George Galloway Wins Rochdale

The UK just saw what may become a trend when the general election rolls around later this year. Former UK Labour MP, George Galloway won the Rochdale by-election on a platform of reviving the town's fortunes, saving its soccer team, and ending the UK's complicity with the genocide in Gaza. 

Just to put in sharp focus what just happened in Rochdale; the much touted Reform party couldn't even manage third place when all they had to compete with was Galloway, and in second place a bloke who got out of bed the day before candidates had to have their paperwork done, thought why not, let's give it a shot. Then, ahead of Reform, a Labour candidate who wasn't a Labour candidate, or he was kinda sorta; we'll never know. 

And then to cap it off Reform's leader, Richard Tice stood beside his Rochdale candidate who had been thrown out of Labour for sending inappropriate messages to a 17-year-old girl. Yeah, the people of Rochdale gave the Conservatives, Labour, and Reform a huge FU.

March 02, 2024

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