March 30, 2024

Global Population Decline

Park this one under; will someone tell the Green movement to 'shut the hell up'. If the worldwide population is set to decline, why are we chasing our tails with their Eco nonsense? Won't emissions reduce as the fewer consumers belch less emissions (heh...too many cows - get it)?

New Zealand is an interesting case. The replacement level of the population is 2.10 births per woman. The last time NZ was at that level was 2012. Yes, the rate of births has declined significantly over time, from 1960 when each woman had 4.10 children, on average, through to today where women have about 1.60 children. Within this long term trend, the birth rate has fluctuated; NZ dropped off in the 1990's, then built it back to 2012's level, and now things have dropped off again. 

Below I embed an Al Jazeera video looking at the topic, but I disagree with a lot of the rationale used. I think the cost of living is directly to blame. Where families are supported and where incomes are sufficient, people still have babies. 

Right now, we are faced with governments trying to kill us, destroy us, tax us into oblivion and offer no support whatsoever, so what do you think is not going to happen? That's right, they're not having kids is what is not going to happen.

What I am saying is that New Zealand's record proves that despite having a high standard of living and an educated workforce, that given the right conditions, the birth rate can be maintained at no less than replacement levels.

But, hang on, Africa has a fast growing population, the average age of sub-Saharan Africa is about 18. They're poor right? Right, but the cost of living is not so bad and they have resources coming on stream. Off the back of those resources and the related employment it creates, plus the lower cost of living, they can have large families. There is a strong incentive to get out there and earn, to make the family richer. 

People look at poorer countries and assume they'll have large families, but when you look closely, you'll find their pace of development is high. Their cost of living is low, and barriers to entry for business and professionals are not insurmountable. Larger families can grab a greater share of this wealth being created. Think of this as a fairer distribution of wealth.

Meanwhile, in the West there are many barriers to entry. It takes too long to become qualified when entering the workforce. By the time people are fully up to speed, they're in their thirties and for women, they have a far narrower window through which to make babies.

If you want to see birth rates rise; support families, remove barriers to entry, exploit resources and lower the cost of living.

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