March 31, 2024

Farmers and 2024

2024 is going to be an eventful year. Right now, across Europe farmers are protesting and they've been at it for months. You won't see much about this on lamestream media and if you do, they're described as fringe lunatics backed by far right groups.

What is actually happening? Governments across the western world are going to war with small farmers. Measures are being implemented to break the back of farmers, and drive them to the wall. These measures are said to be climate change related, but in reality it is a land grab and shift in control of the food supply. It amounts to a transfer of wealth from these small farmers, to corporate interests.

People had better wake up, as food insecurity looms large. Land grabs like this always lead to famine. Students of history know this process well, it was tried during the first five year plan of the Soviet Union; millions died.

In New Zealand, most individual wealth is held in land, and the richest are the farmers. This had led farmers to think they're part of the powerful elite. In the past this was true, and they've been used to put down strikes. Massey's Cossacks during the 1913 Great Strike were farmers and farm workers who were recruited as special constables. They rode their horses to town and beat up the striking workers, hence the moniker, Cossacks.

But, in this new age being rolled out since 2020, farmers are now seen as redundant, and more likely troublemakers as well. New Zealand farmers do not realise their usual representatives, namely the National Party, Federated Farmers and their ilk, have sold them out. That's right, just as the Greens in New Zealand are now serving overseas corporate Green interests, the National Party and Fed' Farmers are serving overseas corporate agricultural interests. However, so entrenched are farmers in their views, and so weak in standing up to the government, New Zealand is unlikely to follow the farmers in the Netherlands or Poland. NZ is likely to fail - sadly.

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