
August 31, 2024

Checking Your Thinking

The UK has arrived at Orwell's 1984, not just heading there, it has arrived:

Communism Defined

Just a quick guidance for those wondering what the near future will be like: 

August 30, 2024

US Presidential Elections and the Electoral College

Over the next few weeks there will be a lot of talk about the national polling for the two big candidates for the US Presidential elections. A lot of this is meaningless as the popular vote does not count. What counts are the Electoral College and critical battleground States.

The following are the main toss up or swing states this time round:

Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. 

These states are either complete toss ups or they lean a little one way of the other, but that lead could be easily overturned. That's a total of 106 Electoral College votes up for grabs, and the road to 270 Electoral College votes does not require all of them to be won for either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump. Each candidate by now, should be exclusively concentrating on these states. Running various permutations and for Trump, Pennsylvania is looking really important.

Of course, if it appears that Harris will lose, expect anything to happen, the current cabal running things in Washington DC will be that desperate to hold on to power, they'll be prepared to do anything. We've already seen what they're capable of.

August 29, 2024

Big Tech Censorship

It was very real, I experienced it, and still do:

August 28, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard Chooses Trump/RFK Jr


Choice: Kamala Harris vs Trump/RFK Jr

The 2024 election to decide who will be US President brings to the fore the stark choice: whether to vote for Big Tech censorship, Big Pharma profiteering and war after war, or with Trump, bluster, grandstanding, and a lot of golf being played. together with RFK Jr chasing Anthony Fauci around Washington DC.

I know which I'd prefer; jail time for Fauci and golf. 

Democratic Party voters need to ask themselves whose side they're on, do they stand for commonsense and right vs wrong, or the machine politics by the backers of Kamala Harris.

August 26, 2024

RFK Jr Deal With Trump

RFK Jr reveals to Fox News that he will step aside in the 10 swing states but stay off the ballot in states where his presence will not change the outcome. Furthermore, he mentions that he does not have a promise of any role within a Trump administration.

August 25, 2024

August 24, 2024

RFK Jr Drops Out & MSM Cut Away

We are living is a dystopian world, the likes of which the West has not experienced before:

August 23, 2024

RFK Jr Dropping Out?

It appears RFK Jr is about the drop out of the race and endorse Donald Trump in return for a position in his future administration:


August 22, 2024

Councils Get Shakeup

This one is a vote winner from the current New Zealand government. Year after year homeowners rates go up, while the councils that maintain the infrastructure go on a spending spree. Council staff are out of control, and chasing all kinds of pet schemes and dreams.

Well, it looks as if that is coming to an end, and not before time. Changes to legislation will require councils stick to basics, and if they don't, they can face restrictions on how much they can tax their ratepayers. 

This has been an obvious solution for a long time. Council staff make operational decisions - fine - but if they don't behave, defund them. There is nothing like a bit of redundancy and lack of money to rein in excess.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told attendees at the Local Government New Zealand conference in Wellington today that local councils need to "rein in the fantasies" on spending.

"Ratepayers expect local government to do the basics and to do the basics brilliantly," he told the conference.

"Pick up the rubbish. Fix the pipes. Fill in potholes. And more generally, maintain local assets quickly, carefully, and cost effectively."

August 20, 2024

What's Going On?

This may sound a bit incoherent, but I'm thinking out loud here, so please bear with me. One of the reasons I've shelved the writing of my book about the thing back in 2020, is that there's been a lot going on and recent events have changed my perspective. What I believe is that we are looking at something much worse than the Scamdemic on its own. 'They' have exposed themselves.

My usual default setting is to look for the money, When you boil it right down, almost everything is about money. Greed is one of man's great failings. Conmen exploit this failing, and the best conmen become very rich, and then they're knighted and become revered as soothsayers and truthtellers. 

While I think what is going on is about money, I don't think it is only about money. I think it is also about power and avoiding going to jail. I'll explain this by walking backwards; from recent events, back in time to when I believe events took a drastically dark turn, meaning since then, almost everything we believe to be true is actually false.

Let's begin with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. It is obvious to anyone with an IQ above 80, that the powers-that-be tried to kill Trump. They missed, and hence we see Kamala Harris installed as the Democratic Party nominee for the US Presidency, replacing Joe Biden. This was a swift pivot, well executed and accompanied by the mainstream media demoting any talk of the attempted assassination and the exaltation of Harris as heir apparent. Not only that, we also have Ukraine invading Russia, and Israel increasing its actions in Gaza. I think all of the latter events relate to the attempted assassination of Trump.

Basically, the powers-that-be do not want Donald Trump in the White House. I'm presuming that while he's part of the club, he isn't seen as a safe pair of hands. He's too uncontrollable. Alex Jones may be right, he has said Tump will not live to the end of the year.

What has Covid got to do with this? Everything, as it turns out. Was there even a virus? Possibly, I like Bret Weinstein's explanation of this; that the USA was funding gain of function research in Wuhan, and manipulating bat viruses to create bioweapons. There was a leak from the laboratory, and many people died. 

This leak was exploited by the powers-that-be to manipulate the outcome of elections in 2020. The lockdowns, postal voting etc., were done so the US Presidential elections could be rigged. A practise run was held in New Zealand that same year, its election rigging was successful and so the US followed suit.

This sounds far-fetched, right? 

Before that, in 2019 Jeffrey Epstein was found hanged in his cell. He had to die, he knew too much. You may see the exposure of his operation as serendipitous. Simply by accident, we got to see something we were never meant to see. The Deep State was exploiting attractive young women, and luring in the great, the rich and important men and then blackmailing them. I speculate that this operation was about skewing scientific research, obtaining the right political decisions, wars, assassinations, effective control.

I believe the power structures exposed as a result of the Jeffrey Epstein matter, are the same as those that rigged the elections in 2020 and which by intent or simply by accident, released the virus in Wuhan. This is the same power structure that tried to kill Donald Trump, and which will be prepared to wreck the global economy, institute martial law, cause mass panic and ultimately start World War III. 

Russia knows this and is fighting back. It explains their invasion of Ukraine. They're securing their part of the world.

To continue our walk backwards, we arrive at the GFC 2007-2008. Nothing was really done about that. All that happened were that governments, central banks and financial institutions doubled down and handed out performance bonuses. No-one went to jail, there were a few movies made, some people lost everything but life at the top just carried on. I believe subsequent events are linked to the GFC, and that the powers-that-be will be prepared to kill millions and even start WWIII to avoid accountability.

But wait, there's more: when did all this start and when did these dark forces first fully reveal themselves? I believe that event was the assassination of US President, John F Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on the 22nd of November, 1963. This was a shot that did not miss. Just as with Trump, the dark forces had to get rid of Kennedy. Then, later they shot his brother as he was running to be president. 

Think about all the US Presidents since then. Lyndon Johnson was sworn in immediately after JFK was shot, but he didn't run in 1968. He was replaced by Richard Nixon who was set up and forced to resign, but before that his deputy, Spiro Agnew was forced to resign. That meant Gerald Ford became President in the 1970's and yet no-one had voted for him. 

All the way down the line since the assassination of JFK, I wouldn't be surprised to find that every president has been appointed. Think about the way George W Bush came into office, he had actually lost the election to Al Gore, but the Supreme Court saw it differently. Barack Obama, is that even his real name? His classmates at Columbia University struggle to remember him (he has reinvented himself and exaggerated his achievements The embedded NYT's article is from 2007, when there was more questioning of Obama's backstory. He was three years at Columbia, and then subsequently he worked in New York, but when talking about himself he gives this period a once over lightly. What was he really up to during this period?). 

The election in 2016 was meant to be a march to victory for Hillary Clinton, she's a safe pair of hands and very much part of what I'm categorising as the powers-that-be. But, they got it wrong, their level of rigging was ineffective and the man who should not be President got himself elected. If you recall 2016 and election night, Donald Trump seemed surprised he'd won. I was in the US in 2016 and outside of places like California, the groundswell of support for Trump was obvious. Washington DC likely had little idea of this level of support. They live within the beltway, in a bubble of their own. And so, Trump came to power and he didn't obey all the rules. He had to go, and so everything from 2020 on is related to the need to get rid of him. We saw this in plain sight as a bullet clipped his ear.

Now, care needs to be taken to avoid trying to link everything since the election of JFK in 1960. There are bad actors and coincidences. Therefore, I cannot see a link with 9/11. The only link I can see is that Osama bin Laden was initially funded by the US in the 1980's. He fought for Afghanistan following its invasion by the Soviet Union. But, he followed his own agenda and soon became an enemy of the West.

Who are the powers-that-be? I like to think of them as a committee issuing orders or directives. Every OECD country takes orders from them. The powers-that-be will be a cabal of industrialists, financiers, military, intelligence community, technology, and so on. Politicians are their bootlickers, toadies, and politicians throughout the OECD only get 'elected' by being appointed. 

You may say this is outrageous, but I ask you to look at these leaders: Joe Biden is senile and clearly not running anything. I mean - c'mon.

But then look at who else: Canada - Justin Trudeau, he's a nasty little prick. New Zealand - Christopher Luxon looks like a timeshare salesman from the 1990's and sounds like one. Australia - Anthony Albanese comes across as a lower level clerk. United Kingdom - Keir Starmer a weak and ineffectual man who hates the working class. France - Emmanuel Macron a slithering eel, ewww. 

We can just go on and on about who is supposedly leading the developed world, and the cumulative weight of these people wouldn't have enough grunt to pull the skin off a rice pudding. I put it to my dear readers, the only reason they're in office is because they're good at taking orders or the powers-that-be have something on them.

I'm afraid I do not have a solution to the predicament we find ourselves in. 'They' revealed themselves in 1963, that's when the coup happened. Then, by accident we saw part of the structure with Jeffrey Epstein, and then in 2020 and again with the shot that grazed Donald Trump's ear. We experienced the ramping up of the war in Vietnam, the invasion of Iraq, the GFC, the Scamdemic, and rigged elections. So, this isn't some benign force that has your best interests at heart. 

I'll just leave it there for now, please leave your comments.

August 19, 2024

It's The Jab

The New Zealand Department of Statistics are up to their usual tricks, wriggling around and doing anything they can to avoid the blitheringly obvious. NZ's fertility rate has hit an all-time low. This is kind of strange as during the 21st Century, fertility has increased at times. 

But what has happened to effect this sudden turnaround? Well, could it be all those young women who were forced to get the jab two to three years ago, now find they cannot conceive, or take a child to term? Anecdotal evidence says this is the case. Miscarriages are said to be off the charts.

But, the Dept., of Stats will say anything to deflect from the reality.

New Zealand has experienced its lowest natural increase in population in 80 years.

Statistics released this morning showed there were 19,071 more births than deaths in 2023.

Stats NZ said this was the lowest annual natural increase since World War II - in 1943, there were just 17,562 more births than deaths.

In total, there were 56,955 live births and 37,884 deaths registered in Aotearoa in 2023.

August 17, 2024

Ireland About To Explode?

Interesting discussion on the situation in Ireland:

August 13, 2024

Matt Goodwin and the Attack on Free Speech in Britain

I've concluded that Keir Starmer is even more dangerous to the UK, than Jacinda Ardern was to New Zealand. Starmer is barking at the moon.

I've got a question: do Muslims support Starmer? He's consistently backed Israel and I recall he's a bit of a fence sitter on Gaza. It appears he lacks a moral core, and how he got to be Prime Minister beggars belief.

All-in-all, Britain is in a lot of trouble.

Matt Goodwin asks important questions about where this Labour government will take things.

Are we living in England, the birthplace of liberty and parliamentary democracy, or some tinpot dictatorship like North Korea? Who, exactly, will determine what is and what is not “fake news”? Who will decide what is “misinformation”? Who will determine what is considered “harmful”? Who, for that matter, will decide what our children are taught about “misinformation” and “fake news”? And why are we even clamping down on “legal but harmful” content in the first place?


I ask these questions because we’ve all seen this playbook before. It wasn’t that long ago, after all, that Labour and other “liberal” left politicians were jumping up and down proclaiming that all the people who voted for Brexit were “misinformed” by Russia, Dominic Cummings, and what was written on the side of a big red bus.

What would have happened at that referendum, or a similar referendum in the future, if the elite class concluded that voters were swayed by what the elite class decide is “misinformation” and “fake news”? Would they just have declared that an entirely legal outcome was illegitimate? You might laugh but this is essentially what many MPs said about Brexit at the time. What happens if they are empowered by law?

Donald Trump Congratulates Lydia Ko


August 12, 2024

Gold Medals - Paris 2024

The Olympic games were a bit of a flop, but let's play one of those rank the countries differently games. The USA media rank countries by the total number of medals won. They do this to prevent their own country being shown, potentially, lower than first place. 

The accepted way of ranking is to do so by golds first, then silver, then bronze. Thus, Italy came ninth and Germany tenth. Italy received 12 golds, 13 silver, and 15 bronze, while Germany were 12 golds, 13 silver and eight bronze. 

In using this system, New Zealand came eleventh with ten golds, wedged between Germany and Canada below with its nine gold medals. To put this in context, NZ has 5 million people, while Germany has 84 million and Canada 39 million.

NZ's gold medal count amounts to 50% of all its medals. Is this the best country using that measure? No, it isn't, if we look at the list of countries, ranking them by percentage of total medals that are gold gives the following result:

1= Pakistan and Dominica (100%)

2= Algeria and Indonesia (66.6%)

3. Uzbekistan (61.5%)

4= Norway, Hong Kong, Philippines, Botswana, Morocco, New Zealand, Guatemala, Uganda, Saint Lucia, Chile (50%)

However, if we look at these countries and ask how many medals in total did they win, then NZ takes top spot as it won 20 medals, with Uzbekistan second with its 13 medals.

Countries that underperformed were the likes of Brazil and Poland. When you consider that Brazil hosted the Olympics as recently as 2016, they've really fallen away. Clearly, the games are not a priority for them.

The per capita method of ranking is often used, and this skews the result to small countries. For instance, Grenada comes first using this method, even though they did not win a gold. I'd rank per capita by gold only, then Dominica would be first, Saint Lucia second, but NZ would be high on that list too with one gold for every 500,000 people.

Anyway, I play around with this sort of thing as the games are a complete rort. I used to think the USSR rigging everything was bad, but now with the USA in the ascendency, they're even worse. I say, get rid of all events where judges decide the score. And stop skewing the distribution of medals. You don't see athletics having races for running backwards, hopping on two legs and then hopping on one - do you? OK, they have the race walks and triple jump, but generally it is run from A to B, first one there wins. Swimming has so many events, then they have mixtures of these events, then relays. This is done to pad the medal count. Stop doing that, it is annoying, simply race and the first to arrive wins, and who cares what swimming methods they use.

I'd also scrap most of the field events and replace them. The exception would be pole vault, I'd keep that. But new events I'd introduce: basketball goal shooting, and then accuracy ball throwing, using a hybrid baseball/cricket ball. How about a form of hybrid soccer/rugby ball goal kicking. People would get interested in events like that. We've seen rock climbing and skateboarding really taking off, the games have to evolve. 

And when we think about the old field events, they've banned so many ways of doing things that we know result in better performances; gone is the somersault long jump, the spinning javelin, cartwheel shotput and the high jumpers don't tumble. With the latter event, the Fosbury Flop is mostly used, but that doesn't gain maximum height, tumbling does. 

Oh, and Parkour would get people interested in the Olympics again, add that to the field events too.

August 11, 2024

Paris Olympics 2024

Will the Paris Olympics bore fest ever end? The swimming events usually finish at about the same time the Athletics start, but not with these Olympics, everything is just taking so long. 

The official website is also rubbish, very slow and it's hard to navigate.

Basically, the French really screwed up.

The only positive is that New Zealand currently sit above Canada on the medal table in eleventh place.  NZ has bettered the country's previous best gold medal haul at the 1984 games in Los Angeles. [Update: NZ has now gone to 10 gold medals, the first time it has hit double figures. NZ is now back to eleventh place on the medal table, sitting above Canada with nine gold medals.]

Interestingly, nearly all of NZ's gold medals apart from two (Finn Butcher - Canoe Slalom, and Hamish Kerr - High Jump) have come from the women. The NZ women are very good looking of course, and so watching them is easy on the eye, but come on men, ya slackers. Oh, and special mention to the women's Hungarian kayak sprint team who all appear to be supermodels.

Golfer, Lydia Ko came through for New Zealand, winning gold after previously winning silver (Rio) and bronze (Tokyo), so now she's completed the set. She's such a good competitor. She's hinted at retiring soon, but if she does, who can say she ever let New Zealand down? 

I may not follow future Olympics, they are now far too political, and the judging events are all rigged. I'm told that tourists no longer travel to watch the games, and locals hate having their cities disrupted. I wonder if the Olympics have a future?

August 10, 2024

Wake Up Call

Neil Oliver again, he's on a roll:

August 08, 2024

Immigration UK

Immigration into the UK is out of control. I wondered how to word that statement and I cannot think of any other way of putting it. 

If we look at 2022 and 2023 alone, the net inflow stands at 1.44 million people. They are arrivals in excess of those departing, with the intention of settling permanently. The UK has a population of just under 67 million, meaning 2.2% of that population arrived in the two years prior to 2024.

On what planet is that sustainable?

This influx impacts the working class the most. The immigrants must be housed and fed, their children schooled. A high percentage of them are unskilled, and so they compete for jobs against those born and bred. 

Has there been a housing construction boom? Has infrastructure been ramped up to cope with the numbers? I don't think so.

Things are coming to a head in the UK, protests have become violent and the new Labour government appears unable or unwilling to cope. 

Putting my conspiracy hat on: it looks as if Brexit resulted in the powers-that-be unravelling or destabilising the UK by flooding the country with migrants.

Will this result in civil war? Possibly, better be prepared I'd say. Stock up on canned food and water.

August 05, 2024

UK Migration

The ongoing protests across England right now, come off the back of very high net migration figures. In 2023, net migration stood at 650,000. 

Study the below graph sourced from the House of Commons Library. During the 60's there was a net outflow, while the net migration gain only started to become meaningful during the 1990's. Then, during the 21st century, inflows have increased markedly, and become unsustainable over the last three years. 

Basically, the UK government created this mess. People find their cost of living increasing, jobs under threat and their neighbourhoods transformed overnight. The UK government have to bring these numbers down to 1994-98 levels.

August 03, 2024

Labour Authoritarianism

Labour politicians simply cannot resist the urge to become completely authoritarian. It took New Zealand's, Jacinda Ardern until 2020, and then the whole country found out what a monster she was. Now, in the UK it has taken only a few weeks for the UK's Keir Starmer to fully reveal himself. 

August 02, 2024

Book Promotion

 For the next couple of days you can download a free Kindle read of my books: just click on the following titles:

The Crushing Son

Basketball Obsession

Dana Point

Snob's Guide to New Zealand

August 01, 2024

Southport Murders

Terrible events have occurred in Southport, England. Innocent young girls were having a Taylor Swift themed dance class, when they were attacked by a 17-year old man brandishing a knife. Three young girls have been killed, while many more are still in hospital in critical condition.

There was a local hero, a man in the area responded to cries for help and he held the killer down until police arrived.

Protests have broken out all over England. What I've noticed is that the media are choosing to describe these protests as being led by the far-right. Is this an appropriate way to describe the protesters?

The media seem complicit in forming a sort of perverse victim blaming narrative. It is easy to see why people no longer trust the media.