
August 19, 2024

It's The Jab

The New Zealand Department of Statistics are up to their usual tricks, wriggling around and doing anything they can to avoid the blitheringly obvious. NZ's fertility rate has hit an all-time low. This is kind of strange as during the 21st Century, fertility has increased at times. 

But what has happened to effect this sudden turnaround? Well, could it be all those young women who were forced to get the jab two to three years ago, now find they cannot conceive, or take a child to term? Anecdotal evidence says this is the case. Miscarriages are said to be off the charts.

But, the Dept., of Stats will say anything to deflect from the reality.

New Zealand has experienced its lowest natural increase in population in 80 years.

Statistics released this morning showed there were 19,071 more births than deaths in 2023.

Stats NZ said this was the lowest annual natural increase since World War II - in 1943, there were just 17,562 more births than deaths.

In total, there were 56,955 live births and 37,884 deaths registered in Aotearoa in 2023.

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