
August 30, 2024

US Presidential Elections and the Electoral College

Over the next few weeks there will be a lot of talk about the national polling for the two big candidates for the US Presidential elections. A lot of this is meaningless as the popular vote does not count. What counts are the Electoral College and critical battleground States.

The following are the main toss up or swing states this time round:

Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. 

These states are either complete toss ups or they lean a little one way of the other, but that lead could be easily overturned. That's a total of 106 Electoral College votes up for grabs, and the road to 270 Electoral College votes does not require all of them to be won for either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump. Each candidate by now, should be exclusively concentrating on these states. Running various permutations and for Trump, Pennsylvania is looking really important.

Of course, if it appears that Harris will lose, expect anything to happen, the current cabal running things in Washington DC will be that desperate to hold on to power, they'll be prepared to do anything. We've already seen what they're capable of.

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