
August 13, 2024

Matt Goodwin and the Attack on Free Speech in Britain

I've concluded that Keir Starmer is even more dangerous to the UK, than Jacinda Ardern was to New Zealand. Starmer is barking at the moon.

I've got a question: do Muslims support Starmer? He's consistently backed Israel and I recall he's a bit of a fence sitter on Gaza. It appears he lacks a moral core, and how he got to be Prime Minister beggars belief.

All-in-all, Britain is in a lot of trouble.

Matt Goodwin asks important questions about where this Labour government will take things.

Are we living in England, the birthplace of liberty and parliamentary democracy, or some tinpot dictatorship like North Korea? Who, exactly, will determine what is and what is not “fake news”? Who will decide what is “misinformation”? Who will determine what is considered “harmful”? Who, for that matter, will decide what our children are taught about “misinformation” and “fake news”? And why are we even clamping down on “legal but harmful” content in the first place?


I ask these questions because we’ve all seen this playbook before. It wasn’t that long ago, after all, that Labour and other “liberal” left politicians were jumping up and down proclaiming that all the people who voted for Brexit were “misinformed” by Russia, Dominic Cummings, and what was written on the side of a big red bus.

What would have happened at that referendum, or a similar referendum in the future, if the elite class concluded that voters were swayed by what the elite class decide is “misinformation” and “fake news”? Would they just have declared that an entirely legal outcome was illegitimate? You might laugh but this is essentially what many MPs said about Brexit at the time. What happens if they are empowered by law?

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