Watching the below documentary, I thought here's even more reason to stick with the old and trusted. My car is 20 years old, it goes just fine and can be repaired by anyone. Personally, I'm not interested in advanced diagnostics. My own experience in quarrying is that the more techie things get, the more shutdowns you have, with sensors throwing up errors and shutting things down when they needn't. All these shutdowns cost money in lost production, and prices have to be adjusted upward as a result.
Opinions on politics, economics, sport, investment and anything interesting, stocks and shares, art and entertainment, good reads, and cool stuff.
November 30, 2024
November 29, 2024
Dr Jay Bhattacharya New NIH Director
Those of you who have been in direct contact with me, and followed me on social media, will know that since 2020 I've been quoting Dr Jay Bhattacharya. He works at Stanford University and is both a medical doctor and economist.
The reason I have referenced him is due to his criticism of lockdowns and jab mandates. He co-authored the Great Barrington Declaration in October 2020, and received harsh criticism for his views. Not only that, we now know he was censored on Twitter and elsewhere, being labelled a kook and refusing to 'follow the science'. This censorship was discovered only after Elon Musk bought Twitter. Musk allowed Dr Bhattacharya access to their archives and what they found was astonishing; Dr Bhattacharya was almost invisible, completely silenced. I hadn't noticed of course, as by that time I had received my life ban from Twitter.
Well, cometh the hour, cometh the man as Dr Bhattacharya is to now head the National Institutes of Health. Appointed by Donald Trump, he will be the boss of all the deep state flunkies that tried to ruin him. Being a gentleman, I have no doubt Dr Bhattacharya will not be vindictive, instead preferring to drown these cockwombles under a mountain of scientific evidence. This would include, no doubt, the findings of a study by Stanford, that discovered most Convid cases were in fact Influenzas' A or B. In my own neck of the woods here in oppressed New Zealand, that monster Jacinda Ardern made serology studies of this kind unlawful. Think about that.
But, here we are, and I'm not a gentleman so I don't feel obliged to be polite. I pray that Donald Trump, RFK Jr, Dr Oz and now Dr Jay Bhattacharya hunt down the miscreants and destroy them. May the people who rolled out the terror never have rest, make them wander in the desert perpetually thirsty, their reputations in tatters.
We still have ridiculous situations like in New Zealand right now, with the publishing of the findings of the Phase One, Convid Inquiry. It was a game of two halves and the better team won on the day type nonsense. We could have done it better. How about, we didn't have to do anything at all and should never destroy lives and an economy over a bug that isn't a risk - how about that? How about we arrest all those behind this scam and put them on trial for murder? That's what should happen, but instead it's knighthoods all round and jolly good show don't you know.
My trust in the healthcare establishment has been completely compromised. That trust will never return. Oh, and congratulations on your being able to read this, Google heavily censor anything I say on the subject.
Bhattacharya's allies argue the intense criticism the declaration triggered exemplifies how insular and misguided mainstream scientific institutions like the NIH have become.
"I think he's a visionary leader and I think he would bring fresh thinking about these issues," says Kevin Bardosh, who heads Collateral Global, a London-based think tank Bhattacharya helped start. "I think he would return the agency back to its mission and cut out the culture of groupthink that's infected it over the years."
Head over to my useful links page for a wealth of information on Convid:
November 28, 2024
New NIH Director
November 27, 2024
Jaguar Advertisement 2024
Here's a better Jaguar advertisement, it may even sell some cars, wouldn't that be nice!!
November 26, 2024
New Zealand's Falling Standards In Education
Here we go, another move is being made to have New Zealand dumbed down yet again. Now, the suggestion is to scrap the first year of NZ's NCEA; a qualification roughly equivalent to the UK's GCSE's and generally taken by students at the age of sixteen.
The below quote says to me, that teachers are shoving through students by simply making stuff up. In NZ, teachers are no longer subject to rigorous inspection, rather they are 'peer reviewed' which means there is a strong motivation to look good in front of colleagues.
I believe the current proposal to drop NCEA Level 1 is an admission of failure. There are so many students now functionally illiterate that they fail even the lowest level test, or they leave before sitting. So, the Ministry of Education have to scrap it to save face, rather than address the real problem, which is; that teachers no longer teach, and schools are simply places warehousing children to keep them dry while the parents work. Parents are now the ones doing the teaching, teachers grandstand all day long, do nothing and stand around complaining about literally everything.
Last year, students were almost twice as likely to achieve an excellence grade on an internal assessment than an external assessment," ERO head of assessment Ruth Shinoda said.
November 25, 2024
Follow The Petition
This is amusing, there is petition now live within the UK Parliament, calling for a General Election. UK Prime Minister, Keir Starmer has upset the people, the man is a complete fool. After a short time, the number of people signing the petition has gone over 1.8 million:
I would like there to be another General Election.
I believe the current Labour Government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead up to the last election.
Update: now at 2.7 million, what a hoot.
November 24, 2024
All Blacks Become Political
Following the recent Rugby test between New Zealand and Italy, members of the All Blacks posed with a flag representing many Maori groups. Thing is, this flag is not official and groups with a political agenda often use it.
Is it appropriate for a national team, representing all New Zealanders, to fly the flag of interest groups promoting a political agenda, while at the same time ignoring the actual flag of the country they represent?
Personally, I think why not, so long as they're not being paid a penny by the NZ taxpayer. Well, turns out NZ Rugby gets a lot of money out of the taxpayers pocket, so how about we cut that funding off - completely. Make money the honest way, NZ Rugby, then try lecturing everyone about the politics you support.
Pam Bondi
Donald Trump's new pick for US Attorney General may have been his original choice all along. She's a loyalist and Florida based. My thinking is Matt Gaetz may have been a sacrifice bunt; Ms Bondi has all the qualifications and she's a Trump loyalist. Who could turn down a woman for the role?
I like how the above link tries to impugn Ms Bondi's reputation, she must have the right stuff, Washington DC has reason to be afraid I'm guessing.
November 22, 2024
Tulsi Gabbard Russian Asset?
If Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset, then how come she's still in the US Army?
November 20, 2024
Trump Picks Dr Oz
Donald Trump really is hiring people with an axe to grind. We may see change - here's hoping:
"Dr. Oz will work closely with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to take on the illness industrial complex, and all the horrible chronic diseases left in its wake," Trump said in the announcement.
November 19, 2024
November 18, 2024
Biden and Russo-Ukraine War
Biden has authorised the use of US long-range missiles inside Russia. Is this an attempt to leave the incoming Trump administration a hospital pass? The Biden administration appear prepared to risk WWIII just to undermine Trump - incredible and also appalling.
November 16, 2024
November 15, 2024
Grading New Zealand Infrastructure
Mississippi has reported its grades, and below I grade New Zealand too. NZ needs to do this regularly:
The individual rankings:
- B: Rail
- B-: Ports
- C+: Solid Waste
- C: Aviation
- C: Energy
- D+: Bridges
- D+: Dams
- D: Inland Waterways
- D: Levees
- D-: Drinking Water
- D-: Roads
- D-: Wastewater
- D: Rail
- B: Ports
- C+: Solid Waste
- C+: Aviation
- C+: Energy
- C-: Bridges
- B: Dams
- D: Inland Waterways
- D: Levees
- C+: Drinking Water
- C-: Roads
- C: Wastewater
RFK Jr Announced as Head of Dept., of Health and Human Services
Oh good, RFK Jr is going after Anthony Fauci. Start firing people. Mainstream media is going into meltdown...brilliant.
Democratic Party Imploded
James K Galbraith makes a cogent argument for why the Democratic party lost the US elections so badly. The only thing he misses is the question around how, in 2020, Joe Biden received more votes than Kamala Harris in 2024, while campaigning from his basement. 2020 was a fix, clearly, it isn't really open to debate any longer. But his saying the Democratic Party would prefer to be a permanent opposition party, rather than allow its left-wing to have a say, sounds accurate. Oh, and can we just send the Clintons and Obamas out to grass?
The 2024 election was, therefore, a suicide. The Democratic leadership was, at best, indifferent to the erosion of voting access, negligent in retaining 2020’s new voters, and proactive in ensuring the abstention of what little remains of its “left” wing. It tried to cover this up, as usual, with celebrity endorsements and identity politics. As usual, it did not work.
November 14, 2024
Matt Gaetz, Lawfare and the Big Get Even?
Looking at the Donald Trump appointments being announced each day, I'm not seeing a consistent pattern, apart from all those Trump is appointing having an axe to grind with Washington DC, and they're likely to go after all those they perceive as 'the enemy.'
November 12, 2024
Democrats Turn On Obama
The forever entitled and preachy Barack and Michelle Obama seriously hurt the Kamala Harris campaign, and Democratic voters seem to have figured that out.
The Obamas support the Obamas. They're not interested in the working class, or the middle class for that matter, and as time passes they become ever more cut off from mainstream opinion. Basically, they need to retire. Barack Obama, in particular has started sounding different when he talks down to black Americans. He changes his accent somewhat and throws y'all and folks around like he's from Alabama or something. It's cringeworthy stuff, but he appears unaware of what he sounds like.
Barack Obama has had a good ride, but his schtick has become stale. He's a divider, not a uniter.
November 11, 2024
The REAL Reason Trump Won?
Days before the vote, Democrats and Republicans poured resources into the Muslim areas of the swing states. At the end of the day, Muslims voted Trump; they didn't trust Harris. I mentioned in an earlier blog post, that Harris had done nothing to end the conflict in Gaza but there she was on the campaign trail, saying that 'if' she's elected, she'll do all she can to stop it. Well, why would anyone think that, seeing as she's the sitting Vice President who had done diddly up to that point.
I haven't seen the numbers, but Trump did win Michigan with its large Muslim population. Maybe they know that Trump is less likely to allow war to get in the way of his golf game.
November 10, 2024
Why Trump Won
Former Australian politician, John Anderson talks to Victor Davis Hanson about all those factors that lead to Donald Trump's landslide victory:
November 08, 2024
Looking at Moving to New Zealand?
Many Americans appear depressed now that Donald Trump has been elected President for a second term. Internet searches related to New Zealand have increased. Before making the move there are a few things to consider, and many such things are addressed in my book: Snob's Guide to New Zealand
Get your copy today:
November 07, 2024
Trump's Quiet Support
The US Presidential election outcome shows that polling inflated Kamala Harris and badly represented support for Donald Trump. Was this intentional? I think this is likely, the polling companies were biased and wanted Kamala Harris to win. Then, there are the quiet Trump voters, people who wait and vote for Trump but who won't tell anyone about it.
Here's 270 to win's electoral college map:
November 05, 2024
No Toss Ups 2024
With the US Presidential election final results looming, here's the RealClearPolitics 'No Toss Ups' Electoral College map. I wonder if this will be accurate? The map is drawn from the cumulative polling for each candidate.
The map shows Trump/Vance in red with 287 votes, and Harris/Walz in blue with 251 votes. 270 Votes are needed to win the White House:
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No Toss Ups 2024 RealClearPolitics |
November 04, 2024
Sport: NZ Cricket Sweep India
MSM TV seem to be spending very little time talking about New Zealand Cricket's biggest ever win, they've just swept India at home 3-0. No other team has ever achieved this feat. Why is this not being shouted from the rooftops?
Oh, and I also support Yokohama's professional baseball team, the DeNA Baystars who have come from 0-2 down to clinch the Japan Series against the SoftBank Hawks, 4-2. It has been 26 years since they've won a Japan Series.
Has Kamala Harris Conceded?
At a recent campaign rally in Michigan, Kamala Harris promised to do everything in her power to end the war in Gaza. This is a rather strange promise to make, seeing as she's the sitting Vice President right now, so she could do something right now! But she won't, now or in the future as her statement isn't about Gaza, it's about optics and her own future, outside of the White House.
November 02, 2024
Right Now Internet Being Scrubbed
With the US Presidential election due on November 5th, the only way of checking what has been said on the internet has stopped functioning:
In other words, the only source on the entire World Wide Web that mirrors content in real time has been disabled. For the first time since the invention of the web browser itself, researchers have been robbed of the ability to compare past with future content, an action that is a staple of researchers looking into government and corporate actions.
What this means is the following: Any website can post anything today and take it down tomorrow and leave no record of what they posted unless some user somewhere happened to take a screenshot. Even then there is no way to verify its authenticity. The standard approach to know who said what and when is now gone. That is to say that the whole Internet is already being censored in real time so that during these crucial weeks, when vast swaths of the public fully expect foul play, anyone in the information industry can get away with anything and not get caught.
November 01, 2024
Book Promotion November 2024
For a limited time I'm giving away free Kindle editions of my books, grab a copy of anything you fancy:
Clink the title and the link will take you to the book's page on Amazon:
Where Are The Kids?
Finally, the obvious is being openly discussed. Prince Harry and his wife have no children together.
But, that begs the obvious question: what are Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet doing being placed in the Line of Succession?