
October 13, 2024

Kanye West Sued

The goings-on in the entertainment industry in the US is like watching a dripping tap. You can't turn the tap off, damage will result, and the flow is continuous albeit slow. 

RICO charges have been filed against P Diddy, which were then followed by over a hundred civil lawsuits, and we now have Kanye West being sued by a former employee. I've seen the video of Niykee Heaton corroborating the events described in the suit brought by Lauren Pisciotta, and the contents of that video were chilling to say the least.

Here's a link to the story:

Additionally, rapper Jaguar Wright claims that freak-off tapes exist of Harry and Meghan, the California-based royal duo. And it is claimed, tapes of all description are being peddled around Hollywood.

With blockchain technology being the way it is now, these tapes can be uploaded and made available to whoever pays to see them, and they can never be removed without first taking down the internet. 

There must be a lot of influential and famous people very worried right now. All of them must settle, especially any royals involved. It appears that soon, more will be going to jail as well, I wonder who?

Update from the Daily Mail:

October 12, 2024

Trump v Harris Electoral College Map

The race to the White House appears closer than many imagined. Below is a link to the RealClearPolitics Electoral College map:

You can select 'Create Your Own Map' and then play around based on your own assumptions and current polling. One interesting feature: you can select 'No Toss Ups' and by doing this you can see that Trump is ahead. However, if the result is close in those critical toss up states, then I say rigging comes into play and that may see Kamala Harris win the race.

I've speculated about why the 'powers-that-be' want Trump dead, and I still think it's because of his apparent instability. Trump's politics are not that out of step with those of the cabal running things, think Operation Warp Speed and Israel as examples.

Kamala Harris is not the left-wing person her critics claim, I cannot find any policies of hers, or anything in her past which may indicate that; she's quite conservative in fact, and I place her slightly to the right of New Zealand's Judith 'Crusher' Collins in terms of her personal political opinions. For those not familiar, 'Crusher' Collins was the former leader on the National Party in NZ. She earned the crusher tag when she threatened to crush boy racers cars. In recent years she's gone soft, and I will not be surprised if she soon says the sinking of the NZ Navy vessel after it hit a reef off Samoa, was a win/win, as the biodiversity of the reef has been strengthened, and who needs hydrographic anyway? I cannot see Kamala Harris going soft.

October 07, 2024

New Zealand Navy

Get yourself a navy New Zealand, and stop incompetently sinking what little you do have.

A Court of Inquiry has been launched into the incident, which is the first time “in peace time” the navy lost a ship.

October 06, 2024

Scunthorpe United FC

The 145 years old Association Football club, Scunthorpe United has been saved from oblivion, and is now safe after its rescue a year ago. Scunthorpe now plays in the sixth tier of English football, so it has some way to go to get back into the English Football League. But with new ownership under Michelle Harness and her partners, I think this is eminently possible. 

Thank you chairwoman, Michelle Harness. Ms Harness is a director of North Lincs Structures Ltd., a firm which erects steel structures. Bear in mind, Scunthorpe is a steel town, so this link is particularly apt.

Up the Iron!

October 05, 2024

Chagos Archipelago

The end of modern Britain is a circus that continues to perform its tricks; now Britain has given away a key strategic point in the Indian Ocean. The Chagos Archipelago is situated right in the middle of the ocean, between Indonesia and Australia in the east, through to Tanzania and Kenya in the west. The Royal Navy, holding this point effectively controls almost all sea traffic from Asia to Europe. Who would want to give it up? Only a fool or a group intent on destruction. 

Why not go the whole way Britain, give up Gibraltar, Cyprus, the Falklands, why stop at Chagos!!

Oh, and New Zealand, think ahead and put in a claim for the Pitcairn Islands, Chile and other South Americans will be looking that's for sure. There is immense mineral wealth under the sea there, don't be stupid NZ, I know you often are.

Not long now for Britain, and a return to the tyranny of EU rule. 

October 04, 2024

Chantelle Baker Wins

The New Zealand Herald has settled with independent journalist, Chantelle Baker after she sued when they ran a story on her. Now, she says she's going after Stuff. 

I am looking forward to the day both media companies go bust. 

October 03, 2024

Female Business

Women come up with some really good products and are often behind very good businesses. Another of my favorite stock picks is Waldencast (NasdaqCM - WALD), a startup cosmetics company making all the right moves. One of its founders is Ms Hind Sebti. She's originally from Morocco and holds a masters in industrial engineering from INSA Lyon in France. Her background includes roles at Procter & Gamble and L'Oreal.

You may not have heard of Waldencast, but if following the beauty industry you'll have heard of Milk Makeup. They promote their products using influencers on platforms such as YouTube. 

Waldencast's investor page can be found here:

The company also has Waldencast Ventures, which incubates and accelerates beauty brands. One of these is Whind, brought to the company by Ms Hebti herself. Here is a link to Whind: They match makeup to darker skin tones, and embody a look that enhances what we used to call the exotic look. 

October 02, 2024

Where I Fit Politically

I took a test to place me in terms of where I sit in relation to US politics, and here's the result. Are you surprised at all?

This is where the US Presidential candidates sit:

2024 US Presidential Candidates
2024 US Presidential Candidates

When political pundits say how far left Kamala Harris is, well, she's not that left actually. In terms of politics, she's closer to New Zealand's Judith 'Crusher' Collins.

Here's where I sit: I'm centrist, and more libertarian than authoritarian. Note, I'm farther to the left than Kamala Harris, but not as far left as Jill Stein.

Me Closer To Jill Stein

September 30, 2024

Revolution 21st Century

It occurred to me the other day that we've gone past the trigger point where revolution usually results. It was actually Jimmy Dore who reminded me of this; on one of his shows he talked about how the Beatles were actually reactionary and working as sleeping pills, preventing a revolution. 

What I've detected is a complete change in the way people now think. In the workforce, people used to talk about what had been on the news the night before, and what TV shows they liked. Pretty much everyone was on the same page. But, now this is no longer the case and everyone pursues their own specific interests. However, since 2020 they've started giving up on believing.

I follow the Kenneth Clark view of civilisation. Clark was an art historian who produced and fronted a well known TV series from 1969 which examined western civilisation. He maintained that civilisation was fragile and could be quickly destroyed. 

Clark subscribed to the great man approach to history. This holds that great men do great things, which leads to great change. While I agree they do have an impact, I subscribe to the idea of economic, social and political issues of a time and their overall sweep effecting change.

What I've observed is that we stand on the edge of a cliff, and that since 2020 all trust has been lost and thus, there are no threads left holding us together. I regularly hear people talking of things they hate, and talking of the enemy. The enemy is within when they say this, it is the politicians, the capitalists, academics, teachers and so on. People do not see Russia as the enemy, despite the best efforts of the media to make it appear so. 

This leads me to the conclusion: we are headed for a French-style revolution, although it will be bloodier. 

Why hasn't revolution happened if we've gone past the trigger point? Think of those Beatles again, but this time consider the American dream, a myth for most but still a dream clung to by a dwindling number. The American dream is a pop song, putting everyone to sleep. When the numbers of those who believe have dwindled far enough, then it will kick off. 

September 29, 2024

OCC Motorcycles - Jay Leno's Assessment

I remember the TV series, and often wondered if the choppers built by Orange County Choppers were any good. Turns out they're very good to look at, but they're rubbish to ride. I've seen various reports on just how bad they were, but I trust Jay Leno as he's always right; if I've been down the same road, I find his opinion to be the same as mine. Call it the school of hard knocks.

Orange County Choppers failed of course, and their location is now a self-storage.

September 27, 2024

New Zealand, Japan and Australia - Allies

New Zealand needs to get itself a navy, so this is a good sign; in a move designed to remind China that Taiwan is not on its own, NZ, Japan and Australia have sailed through the Taiwan Strait. This is significant as Japan usually avoids the route, to avoid any confrontation.

History buffs will also be aware that this draws old allies together; in the First World War the three fought together and their ships served alongside one another.

Japan has sent a destroyer through the Taiwan Strait for the first time, Japanese media reported, amid increasing military activity around Japan by China.

The Sazanami entered the strait from the East China Sea on Wednesday morning, spending more than 10 hours sailing south to complete the passage, public broadcaster NHK and the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper reported on Thursday.

The passage was conducted with naval ships from Australia and New Zealand ahead of planned drills in the disputed South China Sea, the reports said.

The Chinese military was on “high alert” on Thursday and China said it had lodged a complaint with Japan.

September 26, 2024

Two Global Innovative Businesses

I am often told, New Zealand doesn't make anything or have any worldwide business presence. This is complete nonsense and I have shown this to be so on numerous occasions. Two businesses I have never mentioned before are examples of NZ businesses being world leaders:

1. Animation Research

If you've watched sports on the television, then at some point you've seen graphics designed, developed and provided by Ian Taylor's company. They are particularly dominant in golf, cricket, and yachting. Their stuff is jaw droppingly beautiful, that's how good it is.

2. Les Mills

There is a Les Mills fitness programme in more than 20,000 gyms worldwide. I was recently reminded of this when a friend in the US said she went to the local gym and enjoyed Les Mills. I looked up the gym, and there it was, on their website they were offering Les Mills exercise.

Both of these businesses started out small and grew organically. Their growth is despite the NZ government boasting of their accomplishments but offering little assistance. I'd rather see my tax paid dollar going into building business, rather than providing the government funds to put in their back pockets. 

September 25, 2024

Israel v Lebanon

I see a lot of comment on the internet, that Israel has lost the plot, that attacking Lebanon means they're effectively in control of the US and can do anything they like.

OK, how about this as a contrary view: Israel is acting upon orders from the US. Several reasons for this:

  1. Ukraine hasn't worked out as planned, and Russia has not been lured into an all-out war;
  2. It is election season and the US Presidency is up for grabs, the current administration want to appear tough, thus erasing the complete humiliation that was Afghanistan;
  3. WWIII would be a reset and could erase national debt, depending on how it was handled.
It makes sense, otherwise, what Israel is doing right now amounts to very stupid thinking, possibly the biggest mistake they've ever made.

What do you think? Leave your comments.

September 22, 2024

Diddy's Arrest and Remand

Rapper P Diddy has now been charged and is awaiting trial on RICO charges brought against him, following his arrest a few months ago. Is this a case of Jeffrey Epstein 2.0?

Will Diddy live to the end of the year? The smart money is on a NO to that question. Too many people now want him out of the way. Frankly, jail is probably the safest place for him right now, and if he ever wants to see the outside of prison walls again, he'd better start cutting a deal and begin yodelling to the FBI.

It's starting to look like Azealia Banks is some kind of genius avoiding this.

I thought the embedded video gave a useful rundown on the dark forces at work:

September 20, 2024

Aaron Rodgers and Novak Djokovic

Anyone else notice that two athletes who refused to get the jab, are doing rather well in their respective sporting codes? Rodgers playing for the New York Jets in the NFL, and Djokovic in tennis. Meanwhile, all those that got the jab are dropping like flies. Rodgers and Djokovic are looking like geniuses.