
June 30, 2024

Book Promotion - Ken Horlor

For the next couple of days you can download a free Kindle read of my books: just click on the following titles:

The Crushing Son

Basketball Obsession

Dana Point

Snob's Guide to New Zealand

mBridge the Future?

I notice work is ongoing in the development of fast and efficient cross-border monetary transactions. The idea is for the platform to be relatively free of censorship. SWIFT is currently the largest mechanism through which international payments are made. The problem with SWIFT is it can be interrupted, effectively locking out some countries.

The project aims to explore a multi-central bank digital currency (CBDC) platform shared among participating central banks and commercial banks, built on distributed ledger technology (DLT) to enable instant cross-border payments and settlement. 

June 29, 2024

Channel 4 Hit Piece

Did the company producing a documentary on Reform UK, set them up by using an actor?

Reform are rising and have become a real threat. Two of the most recent polls have them three points ahead of the Conservatives, while another poll had the Conservatives winning only 18 seats. 

In the below TalkTV interview, David Bull quite rightly calls out Channel 4 and the actor concerned. This actor used 'rough voice', something his professional profiles say he is proficient in. His real speaking voice is actually middle class. 

I smell a rat...

RKF Kr to Replace Biden?

Chris Cuomo suggests RFK Jr call up the DNC, to do a deal whereby Biden is dropped and RFK Jr replaces him. From the body language, RFK Jr clearly likes the idea:


June 28, 2024

John Perry - Reform UK Candidate for Havant

Have you seen John Perry's name mentioned anywhere? He's the Reform candidate for Havant in the July 4th General Election in the UK.

YouGov have him polling close behind the sitting MP, Alan Mak of the Conservatives:

Alan Mak 29.4%

John Perry 29.3%

Basically, a dead heat.

John Perry is both an engineer and accountant. He believes in honesty and integrity in politics.


US Presidential Debates 2024

Well, that's an hour of my life I'll never get back. I watched Joe Biden vs Donald Trump and came away with the thought, it was like watching a re-run of the movie, Grumpy Old Men. The real question: who is the more senile of the two?

RFK Jr should have been there. He polls about 10% despite his standing as an independent. If he had of been there, he'd have wiped the floor with both of them. It is embarrassing what passes as world leaders these days.

Someone on YouTube did say that the debate was held so early as a test of Joe Biden's cognitive ability. If he doesn't measure up, the DNC will put the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom in in his place. It makes sense, we'll see.

A lot of the debate was spent arguing over the past. Very little was said about the future. That is very telling, with Joe Biden and Donald Trump both needing being put out to grass.

Matthew Goodwin: Vote Reform

June 26, 2024

Keir Starmer Condemned

George Galloway has something to say about Keir Starmer's attack on the Bangladeshi community in Britain.

Britain's Big Problem - Immigration

 Sssh...not allowed to talk about it...

New Epstein Information - Why Now?

New information is coming to light about Jeffrey Epstein and his deep connections to elites within business, politics and academia. But, why now? 

It has occurred to me that this information is coming out now in order to bury it. With war coming, global financial collapse imminent and elections all distracting us, the crimes and collusion evident with this Epstein operation will quickly be forgotten - maybe. 

WKRP in Cincinnati End Theme

I had this end theme rolling around in my head today. It is the song that ends each episode of the hit sitcom of the late 70's and early 80's - WKRP in Cincinnati.

I once read somewhere that the lyrics are just gibberish. The guy doing this work had the music and was asked to sing something, so he just adlibbed. Pretty good job I have to say, and does this confirm the music is all-important and the words much less so?

June 25, 2024

New Covid Inquiry for New Zealand

The old Royal Commission of Inquiry into Covid will wrap up and then another inquiry will carry on under a new Chair and Commissioners. Finally, the New Zealand Government has listened to the people.

Real Brain Matter and AI

Will someone tell these people, enough already!!

Whether you agree with the writer, or not, about Covid, mRNA jabs, mandates and all kinds of psychopathic authoritarianism, he does offer some valid points about the dangers presented by AI. 

When it comes to AI, I can see the advantages, and the potential freedom it brings. The powers-that-be, I believe, are scared of the possibilities. But this comes with a warning: imagine your neighbour says to you they have the means to build a nuclear bomb in their garage. Fine, but you'd no doubt reply, why would you?

AI works a bit like that for me: why not just use your own brain?

Just about when you think it can’t get any crazier or stupider, well, it does. A Swiss company called Final Spark has developed a much more cost effective way to house artificial intelligence. This company is growing brain matter for the purpose of housing AI. That’s right, brain matter is the hard drive for the AI software. What could go wrong here?

June 23, 2024

Reform UK Polling 25%

Nigel Farage has changed his position regarding Vladimir Putin, and this is being reflected in the electorate. Farage always has his ear to the ground, he must have picked up the mood, people do not want a war with Russia. He is being relentlessly attacked by the media, but he needs to hold is ground and not buckle. The reward may see Reform crushing the Tories. We may be witnessing a major shift in the political landscape.

Message to Tories: locking people up in 2020, then trying to start a war with Russia were two of your worst ideas ever. Oh, and stop taking orders from the WEF, look where it gets you.

(Poll is just of GB News viewers, but nevertheless still came back with 38% Labour)

June 22, 2024

Catherine, Princess of Wales - Conspiracy Theory

Based on recent events, I'm reverting to my original theory about why exactly Catherine, Princess of Wales disappeared for the first five months of 2024. The most plausible explanation is she went on strike, or downed tools. 

Why do I think that? For starters, for all that time we didn't see much of the children, and Catherine's mother, Carole and other family members were also absent from the public eye. However, since Trooping the Colour when the Princess and her children were present, Carole appeared at Ascot with her son-in-law the Prince of Wales. It seems transmission has resumed.

What, no cancer? I do not believe the reports of major abdominal surgery or the cancer diagnosis. That's because, when Catherine was said to be in hospital, no family were seen visiting her there. Subsequently, she is said to have undergone chemotherapy. However, we all saw her during Trooping the Colour and she looked the same as ever. Anyone who knows anything about cancer will know after months of treatment you do not just look the same. What's more, neither is it necessary to completely disappear from view. 

George Galloway had someone on his YouTube podcast who shares similar opinions to me, that Princess Catherine has 'downed tools'. Have a look at what he had to say months ago, and I think this still stands as a plausible theory.

June 21, 2024

Kansas Legal Action Against Pfizer

The US State of Kansas are not some wingnut conspiracy theorists. They've made the public announcement; they've filed a civil lawsuit against Pfizer regarding its Covid so-called vaccine:

TOPEKA — Attorney General Kris Kobach filed a civil lawsuit Monday against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, alleging that “Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine,” violating the state’s Consumer Protection Act. 

Putin Visits Vietnam

Russian president, Vladimir Putin has arrived in Vietnam for a state visit, after visiting and signing a defence arrangement with North Korea earlier. All this does have an ominous look to it as Putin is visiting those countries Russia has supported militarily during previous wars.

June 17, 2024

June 16, 2024

The Princess of Wales First Public Appearance 2024

Yay, we get to see Catherine, Princess of Wales in public. I've chosen the below video due to the quality of the images, you may like to mute the annoying Australian accents. 

June 15, 2024

UK General Election 2024

Rishi Sunak looks beaten as Reform rise to second place in the latest poll. This could be a breakthrough for the new party, a real game changer. I'm still thinking Labour may not do as well as they expect, leading to a hung parliament:

June 11, 2024

Can You Feel It?

There is something going on in Britain leading into their General Election in July. The polls don't seem to be able to pick it up, possibly because the pollsters are biased. 

We could be looking at a hung Parliament, with no one party having a majority. It looks as if voters will tactically vote; in electorates with large Muslim populations, those blocs will vote for candidates that are against the war in Gaza and who want the immediate cessation of hostilities. Then, in other electorates voters want to see an end to the Uniparty blob, that is the Labour and Tories together. More tactical voting again, this time for parties such as Reform UK.

All of this complexity may see big names unseated. Smaller parties may rise to become major players. 

Look out on election night, this could be a barn burner.

June 10, 2024

Zuru Tops NBR's Rich List

Who are New Zealand's National Business Review trying to kid with this nonsense? Zuru is owned by Mat and Nick Mowbray, and it is a very successful business, no doubt about it. However, there can be no way they're worth a combined NZ$20 billion.

Think of it like this: according to the NBR, the combined wealth of the Mowbray's is eight times greater than the current market capitalisation of Fletcher Building. For those who don't know, Fletcher's is one of if not the biggest company in NZ, with cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, Gib board, Laminex, steel, roofing, and all New Zealanders will know the Placemakers brand which supplies 60% of the building trade. How the hell can Zuru be worth eight times all of that?

Looked at another way, Holcim, the world's largest manufacturer of cement has a market cap only 4.2 times greater than Zuru. What NBR expect us to believe is that the Mowbray's have a wealth 23% that of the whole of Holcim. 

Hey, NBR, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn, NY for sale, cheap, half price sale just commenced.

Still not on board with just how ludicrous this valuation is? OK, Oshkosh is a heavy truck manufacturer in the US, they manufacture trucks for the US Army. You may not have heard of Oshkosh, but I'm pretty sure you've heard of the US Army. You'll find the Oshkosh brand all over the place, including in NZ. They're often used for drayage tasks in port container terminals. Right, so according to the NBR, the Mowbray's are worth more than that company. They could buy Oshkosh and Fletcher Building, and have change left over.

I did check out the Zuru website, I see they sell prefabricated homes, and every single design I saw had a flat roof. Note to self, do not buy one of these houses, never ever buy a house with a flat roof, it is a recipe for disaster.

June 09, 2024

Girlfriend of Barack Obama

She's been talked about in the past, but no-one could find the original girlfriend of Barack Obama. Now, she has been tracked down and she is Asian, specifically of Japanese and Dutch ancestry. Her name is Sheila Miyoshi Jager, now a Professor of East Asian Studies at Oberlin College.

Barack Obama is a secretive individual, not an open book at all. The other things about his past that I find interesting, are his days at Columbia University and his trip to Pakistan. No-one at Columbia remembers him, and how exactly did he get into Pakistan? General Zia of Pakistan had banned Americans, so how did Obama get in to visit?

The speaker here maintains that Dreams From My Father is a work of fiction. My reading of it agrees. I could not finish the book as it sounded so disingenuous. I found Barack Obama to be a nasty, narrowminded individual. I put up with his oh so clever prose for half the book, and then stopped. I still have the book and am prepared to give it to anyone, but they always decline when it is offered. Yeah, most people do not want to read 'how great I am going to be.'

Eric Weinstein Interviewed by Chris Williamson

Eric Weinstein offers more insight into Jeffrey Epstein and the machine or thing that we stumbled upon. We don't really know what that is, is it government run, or something else? Then he talks about conspiracies, many of which were considered way out there, but we now accept as fact.

June 08, 2024

The World Went Crazy

An ex New York Times reporter discusses with UnHerd's Freddie Sayers, the scary disinformation and misinformation tyranny that started in 2019. 

Personally, I don't believe any of what happened over the last five years was an accident. The western world underwent a coup, and we are now in the middle of it. 

Big Tech, including Google which hosts my site, are heavily involved. When I post on this subject, my reach is throttled. If you are reading this, good for you, that means you're persistent.

Rishi Sunak Disgrace

Is Rishi Sunak a Manchurian candidate? It is hard to believe that the current British Prime Minister is not trying to tear down the country.

June 07, 2024

Emails Implicate Dr Fauci

Well, here we have a smoking gun but most of the world's media don't appear interested. Why the silence?

June 06, 2024

Bank Losses in the US: Bad Loans

The inevitable is happening again, and the losses are beginning to mount. These financial crises will only end when there is some accountability and an end to the idea that some are too big to fail.

June 04, 2024

Record Benefit Fraud

Hard to take in this, the largest benefit fraud in British history has been busted, but it took a foreign policeman to start the investigation when people who were usually poor, suddenly started splashing the cash. In one case, someone had $750k GBP in a suitcase in his house. 

How does this happen, how did the British authorities fail to detect what was going on? 

It reminds me of the benefit fraudster in Auckland who ripped off the taxpayer by having multiple fake names receiving unemployment benefit. He invested a lot of the money in things like Apple shares, and when busted he'd grown this fraud into a small fortune. In that case, the taxpayer ended up ahead on the deal. Instead of going to prison, they should have promoted him to looking after NZ's pension system, we may all be in clover today if they had.


Nigel Farage Enters Race

UK General Election 2024: Nigel Farage has announced his candidacy for Clacton and accepted the leadership of Reform UK. Has this move put a dagger through the hearts of the Conservatives? After the last four years, they deserve it.

June 03, 2024

Social Distancing Lies

Never forgive, never forget. In New Zealand, the health system and government are still pushing the nonsense.

Brain Sensors? Nowhere to Hide

Something to think about, are you happy having earbuds and everyday items scanning your brain? 

Who Holds the Gold, Makes the Rules

India has repatriated the gold it stores with the Bank of England. Does this reflect a concern that the UK is no longer seen as stable?

June 01, 2024

RFK Jr Could Win, Here's How