
June 25, 2024

Real Brain Matter and AI

Will someone tell these people, enough already!!

Whether you agree with the writer, or not, about Covid, mRNA jabs, mandates and all kinds of psychopathic authoritarianism, he does offer some valid points about the dangers presented by AI. 

When it comes to AI, I can see the advantages, and the potential freedom it brings. The powers-that-be, I believe, are scared of the possibilities. But this comes with a warning: imagine your neighbour says to you they have the means to build a nuclear bomb in their garage. Fine, but you'd no doubt reply, why would you?

AI works a bit like that for me: why not just use your own brain?

Just about when you think it can’t get any crazier or stupider, well, it does. A Swiss company called Final Spark has developed a much more cost effective way to house artificial intelligence. This company is growing brain matter for the purpose of housing AI. That’s right, brain matter is the hard drive for the AI software. What could go wrong here?

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