
June 09, 2024

Girlfriend of Barack Obama

She's been talked about in the past, but no-one could find the original girlfriend of Barack Obama. Now, she has been tracked down and she is Asian, specifically of Japanese and Dutch ancestry. Her name is Sheila Miyoshi Jager, now a Professor of East Asian Studies at Oberlin College.

Barack Obama is a secretive individual, not an open book at all. The other things about his past that I find interesting, are his days at Columbia University and his trip to Pakistan. No-one at Columbia remembers him, and how exactly did he get into Pakistan? General Zia of Pakistan had banned Americans, so how did Obama get in to visit?

The speaker here maintains that Dreams From My Father is a work of fiction. My reading of it agrees. I could not finish the book as it sounded so disingenuous. I found Barack Obama to be a nasty, narrowminded individual. I put up with his oh so clever prose for half the book, and then stopped. I still have the book and am prepared to give it to anyone, but they always decline when it is offered. Yeah, most people do not want to read 'how great I am going to be.'

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