
January 18, 2024

World War III Kicking Off

North Korea are readying for war. Their leader has just announced that South Korea are to be described as their 'number one enemy'.

I find it hard to believe that North Korea just came up with this approach on their own. China and Russia must have agreed with the announcement. 

I see commentators saying that North Korea wants engagement and this is another attempt to seek that. I think this is misguided thinking as North Korea have had a windfall with their arms sales to Russia. It appears likely they're now using this income. 

A brief history lesson: the Korean War kicked off when the Russian and Chinese backed North launched an attack on the US-backed South in June 1950. The war swung back and forth but came to a stalemate by 1953. Today, the two sides sit looking at one another, with the conflict technically still live, there has been no peace treaty.

Add to the mix, China's claim on Taiwan and its push into territory in the South China Sea.

Then in other regions, we have the war in Ukraine, with Russia about to win. We have genocide in Gaza with the US, apparently, tacitly supporting this atrocity. The Red Sea is effectively closed to commercial traffic and the US and UK look ineffectual in trying to keep it open.

China and India are still fighting over their borders, as are Iran and Pakistan.

Venezuela has claimed half of Guyana.

Turkey has no idea which side to take, while the Baltic states must be feeling nervous. Why Sweden gave up its neutral stance is a complete mystery.

This is becoming so complicated, it is hard to keep up. I feel like a ball bearing bouncing around in a pinball machine. Another pandemic must be on the cards.

And where does New Zealand and Australia fit in? Not very comfortably is the immediate answer. Neither has the capacity to supply itself or defend its sea lanes. The way things have been left to atrophy is an utter disgrace. We are led by donkeys.

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