Opinions on politics, economics, sport, investment and anything interesting, stocks and shares, art and entertainment, good reads, and cool stuff.
May 31, 2022
May 30, 2022
China signs up Niue
China is currently travelling around the South Pacific, signing up its tiny Island nations to some kind of security agreement. This is a bit of a worry for Australia and New Zealand, previously the two dominant powers in the region.
New Zealand has been asleep for decades. It took its eye off the ball.
May 27, 2022
The War on Food
That's right, the world may starve. This isn't a drill, this is very real:
As one of the world’s top producers of wheat, Russia in many ways holds the keys to the global food supply. And unless the Biden regime stops its futile crusade against the country, much of the world will end up starving to death.
The corporate-controlled media wants us to believe that Vladimir Putin is the culprit, but the reality is that Joe Biden and his handlers are tearing down global trade in a hissy fit response to Putin’s takedown of the deep state in Ukraine.
Both Ukraine and Russia have cut off most grain exports in order to protect their own people, as has India and Kazakhstan. These protectionist measures are hurting other countries such as Egypt that rely on grain imports from Europe and Russia.
May 23, 2022
WEF: Young Global Leaders
They're members of a cult and their leader is the unelected fruitcake Klaus Schwab.
A hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency, and these leaders include President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern, and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson.
This isn’t fiction, it’s fact.
May 21, 2022
Covid and those Vaccines
Here are two useful articles, the first showing how information labelled as false or myth, was later proven to be true.
Here are the first five 'myths', later proven true:
- The asymptomatic vaccinated are spreading the virus equally as with unvaccinated symptomatic infected.
- The vaccines cannot protect adequately against new variants, such as Delta and Omicron.
- Natural immunity is far superior to vaccine immunity and is most likely lifelong.
- Vaccine immunity not only wanes after several months but all immune cells are impaired for prolonged periods, putting the vaccinated at a high risk of all infections and cancer.
- Covid vaccines can cause a significant incidence of blood clots and other serious side effects
May 20, 2022
May 19, 2022
Scepticism Regarding the Covid-19 Narrative
This is more of a personal statement, describing the points that triggered my rational scepticism regarding the whole Covid-19 scamdemic. The first two points are scientific, while the third is more political.
1. Therapeutics Suppressed
In early 2020, two known, cheap and readily available drugs were touted as valuable treatments of Covid-19. These were Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. It was suspected that these safe and effective drugs were suppressed, and at times openly criticised, as the preferred but new 'vaccines' would not qualify for emergency use authorisation if it was shown that safe and effective treatments were available off the shelf. These suspicions were shown to be true, and we now know that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin are both very useful tools in treating those suffering from Covid-19.
2. Denial of Natural Immunity
In New Zealand, the government made it illegal to test for natural immunity. Hard to believe but true. This is scientific heresy. We had sock-puppet scientists in the media actually denying natural immunity and saying that the so-called vaccine was better. Now, these days it is widely stated that natural immunity offers protection. Incredible. And those vaccines are much less effective than originally touted, and the clinical trials have not even concluded.
3. Voices Silenced
The internet is still heavily censored. Doctors who did not play along were threatened with de-licensing and some were struck off. The terms misinformation and disinformation became Orwellian lingo for anything that contradicted the government propaganda. This is still ongoing but is becoming harder to maintain, the evidence now being so clear that Covid-19 is not that dangerous and we never had a pandemic.
Clearly there are many other points I could make, but the above are my personal moments, when I realised something was wrong. Locking down the country was a monumental act of self-harm and I said it often, especially on Twitter before I was banned. The 2020 election was rigged, I now firmly believe that. And New Zealand is held captive by the unelected World Economic Forum, a cult we need to have made unlawful. Ban the WEF. Then we have the abuse of human rights that are vaccine mandates. But the attacks on medicine and science, and the attack on New Zealand's society is something the country may never recover from.
May 18, 2022
Naomi Wolf: The Bodies of Others
I suggest readers get hold of a copy of Naomi Wolf's latest book: The Bodies of Others : The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human
The Bodies of Others is about how we came to the harrowing civilizational crossroads at which we find ourselves - engaged in a war against vast impersonal forces with limitless power over our lives and which threaten the freedoms we have always taken for granted.
In her most provocative book yet, Dr. Naomi Wolf shows how these forces -- from Big Tech and Big Pharma to the CCP and our oligarchical elites -- seized upon two years of COVID-19 panic in sinister new ways, to not only undermine our Republic but to fundamentally reorient human relations.
May 15, 2022
Clif High: What Will Happen Next?
He's not always right, but he's right often enough to make you think:
Over this Summer, which is likely to be less like a Summer than an intense, brief, sauna session, there are some predictable occurrences which will be agitating to all concerned.
One such predictable event is the linking of the WEF (Klaus Schwab’s Nazi University) with the USA election theft. It was not fraud, it was theft. It was insurrection, it was infiltration, it was treason. None of which will bother Klausie though, but it may well affect ALL of the USA resident ‘members’ of the WEF in any capacity. The linking of the WEF to the 2000 Mules pay masters will bring a decidedly RICO aroma to the hot days of sweaty Summer, ‘22.
May 12, 2022
May 08, 2022
May 07, 2022
The Jaguar S-Type
Here's a very useful video about the S-Type Jaguar. I used to own an S-Type. In New Zealand they tended to be automatic. That's because they were a bit more expensive than other Jaguar saloons and so you needed to be a bit richer to own one. That meant being older and older drivers preferred auto.
But not mine, it was sold to a doctor on the Kapiti coast, a 3.8 manual with overdrive. Legend has it that in the UK, getaway drivers used the S-Type. Its independent rear suspension gave it better handling, and its power meant it could outrun anything the cops were using, including Mk2 Jaguars. To illustrate the point, Sybil Lupp used to say that if an S-Type and a Mk2 left Wellington for Auckland at the same time and never exceeded the speed limit the whole way, the S-Type would arrive half an hour before the Mk2, due to that better handling (Archer and Lupp - Sybil Lupp was an expert on Jags and she developed a range of unique tools for working on them) .
I used my S-Type even when I started in business. It had a tow bar and I could be seen towing equipment all over Christchurch - I had moved from Wellington to the South Island. In one of those funny instances where someone tells you about yourself without them knowing who they're talking to; this guy was on the phone and I got the impression he had mistaken me for a competitor. So, I asked him what's that Ken Horlor like? The reply was, 'Oh he's all right, bit of a Yuppy, drives a Jag.' Praise then.
May 06, 2022
Iceland: Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths increased by 80% in 2021
Regrettably, many saw this coming and yet the powers-that-be did nothing about it:
The rate of stillbirths in Iceland almost doubled compared with the average for 2011-2020 and first-year infant deaths more than doubled. Taken together there was an 82% increase, as reported by Icelandic daily Frettin based on new data from Statistics Iceland.
May 03, 2022
Winston Peters Trespassed?
The dystopian nightmare that is New Zealand right now, just got a little weirder.
Former Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters has been trespassed from the grounds of Parliament in Wellington. Read about it here:
The current NZ government are conducting a full scale assault on free speech.
[Update @ 4/05/2022 - Speaker, Trevor Mallard is reported to have withdrawn five of the trespass notices issued, one of them being Winston Peters]
May 02, 2022
Sea Levels Rising - Again
Right on cue, following the scamdemic we have more fear peddling. Whole sections of New Zealand are about to be flooded by fast rising sea levels.
Give me a break, have these people got nothing better to do than keep talking about a sea level rise that never happens? It must be the academic time of year to have studies funded.
May 01, 2022
Ken Horlor: Author Book Promotion
Over the next two days it will be possible to download Kindle version of my titles for free. Grab your copy today:
Dana Point