September 11, 2024

Debate: Kamala Harris v Donald Trump

I watched most of the debate tonight and my honest reaction is I found it somewhat boring. I'll sum it up as Donald Trump saying how good things were under him and don't you all want those good times again, against Kamala Harris saying how good things will be under her and aren't I so pretty, everyone can see that, let's all use word salad to make me look as if I know what I'm talking about.

I don't think anyone will change their minds about either candidate. But, what of the undecided voter? It occurred to me they may stay away and not vote at all. 

Was the debate conducted by ABC incredibly biased? Yes, of course it was, that was to be expected. In an era of gross censorship and an unverified cabal running things, who would think any differently?

Are the current polls accurate? These are likely biased as well. It comes down to how questions are asked and the order in which questions are posed. This is the way pollsters 'force' certain candidates and opinions on people. When looking at the result of a public opinion poll, media will say something opaque; an example: 65% of all women over 35 believe that 90% of men did this or that. What I've just done there is frame a statement whereby you are forced to believe that women view men one way or the other, even though, technically, I haven't said that at all. 

So, either Donald Trump is way ahead and will win by a lot, or he's not in which case Kamala Harris will win by a nose. Of course, rigging does go on, especially in the vital swing states. Looking at the current Electoral College map, it appears Pennsylvania and North Carolina are critical battlegrounds.

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