September 09, 2024

The Fall

It occurred to me today that I may get to see the fall of western civilisation. Incredible, I know, but it may happen. All the pre-conditions exist; a total lack of faith in institutions and our way of life, economic failure caused by corruption, political interference and gross incompetence, tyranny and the removal of free speech and self-expression, including the arts.

This is particularly evident in the developed English speaking world, but not limited to it. Across the OECD, it is not an exaggeration to say we may be heading for complete collapse, total system failure. Civil war is now openly contemplated, incredible.

But, what caused this and what is the solution? Lack of education is the cause. That's right, everything flows from that; feelings of hopelessness, despair, lack of initiative and a reluctance to work or take risks results from a lack of education. Furthermore, people who lack an education often no longer aspire, and if they do, they aspire to the wrong things, things that make no material difference to everyday lives. If you have an undereducated and ignorant populace, they can be ruled by tyrannical and self-serving rulers. 

I can hear people say, no, we need better healthcare. Oh really? What is the point in living longer, just to be slave to a system? 

I then hear people say, we need freedom of speech. OK, but if uneducated then the people don't know how to use that speech. If you want an example of what I'm talking about, check out comments on social media. People there are so ignorant of basic facts, and so unable to develop any kind of cogent argument, that night soon becomes day.

I believe, certain interests want to keep it this way, they do not want the people advanced enough so that they think for themselves. 

I often use the example of Catholic schools in largely Protestant countries. Faced with prejudice, Catholics simply started their own schools.

The solution to our current predicament is to get schools up and running, schools that will teach the lessons that need to be learnt. This is a combination of what to know and how to think, the two run together like hand in glove. Once you have a general level of accomplishment, things will happen as the next generation will demand change, or they'll simply take control and make it happen. 

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