
September 30, 2024

Revolution 21st Century

It occurred to me the other day that we've gone past the trigger point where revolution usually results. It was actually Jimmy Dore who reminded me of this; on one of his shows he talked about how the Beatles were actually reactionary and working as sleeping pills, preventing a revolution. 

What I've detected is a complete change in the way people now think. In the workforce, people used to talk about what had been on the news the night before, and what TV shows they liked. Pretty much everyone was on the same page. But, now this is no longer the case and everyone pursues their own specific interests. However, since 2020 they've started giving up on believing.

I follow the Kenneth Clark view of civilisation. Clark was an art historian who produced and fronted a well known TV series from 1969 which examined western civilisation. He maintained that civilisation was fragile and could be quickly destroyed. 

Clark subscribed to the great man approach to history. This holds that great men do great things, which leads to great change. While I agree they do have an impact, I subscribe to the idea of economic, social and political issues of a time and their overall sweep effecting change.

What I've observed is that we stand on the edge of a cliff, and that since 2020 all trust has been lost and thus, there are no threads left holding us together. I regularly hear people talking of things they hate, and talking of the enemy. The enemy is within when they say this, it is the politicians, the capitalists, academics, teachers and so on. People do not see Russia as the enemy, despite the best efforts of the media to make it appear so. 

This leads me to the conclusion: we are headed for a French-style revolution, although it will be bloodier. 

Why hasn't revolution happened if we've gone past the trigger point? Think of those Beatles again, but this time consider the American dream, a myth for most but still a dream clung to by a dwindling number. The American dream is a pop song, putting everyone to sleep. When the numbers of those who believe have dwindled far enough, then it will kick off. 

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