January 23, 2017

Those Pesky Inauguration Numbers

Face it, the inauguration numbers for Donald J Trump were down. What else would you expect, when it was forecast to rain, everyone knew what he was going to say, and he's not that good at saying it. There really was no good reason to be there, it's what happens in the polling booth that matters.

So why would Trump's team be so on the offensive over the perfectly valid reports that numbers were down on past inaugurations. The best Trump could hope for would be no reports on attendance, and how likely is that? I mean, really.

It seems Trump is setting out at this early stage, to tame the media. Cow them, keep them in line. It's a chilling prospect, and from the leader of the free world no less.

Some advice Mr President. Take a leaf from the likes of Joh Bjelke-Petersen, the Premier of Queensland who did in fact effectively tame the media. Joh was a really good demagogue who ruled Queensland like he owned it. Reference his daily press conferences where he 'fed the chooks.' Any self-respecting demagogue must take a leaf from the Bjelke-Petersen play book.

I don't see this ending well. If the press have any spine they must go on the attack. After all, the best defence is an effective counter-attack. If they do not go on the attack, well, when it really matters and this or that war is being touted, the press may be acquiescent and go along with it. So the media have to fight. Keep asking questions until you get answers.

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