January 06, 2017

Australia Needs To Wake Up

The land of the racist xenophobes, otherwise known as Australia, home to that prize wanker Russell Crowe the New Zealander who pretends to be an Australian, is now calling for immigration restrictions on Kiwis.

Admittedly the call comes from the loony One Nation party so it can't be taken too seriously. This is the party founded by former fish and chip shop owner Pauline Hanson. But my guess is many Australians share the same opinions as One Nation. If there's a racist bandwagon to be on, then Australians queue up for more. They're completely equal opportunity racists.

What smarts is these One Nation people think New Zealand should be taught a lesson over its UN Security Council vote which effectively sanctioned Israel (the US wisely abstained). No-one should be surprised by the Australian reaction as one racist generally backs another and here we have yet another example. You just know that Australians really want to drown all those refugees on their flimsy boats fleeing persecution; not take them to Nauru (come on they should all be rehoused in the Australian suburbs, the food would improve and Australia would get some work done ).

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Maybe Australians should get out a map and check where they are on the globe. The last time I checked they were surrounded by enemies and people who hate them, with their one friend being little old New Zealand, sitting neatly at their back door. Get New Zealand offside and they're completely surrounded. True, given its small population and large landmass it is only time before Australia is overrun by more enterprising and interesting cultures, but it should at least realise this fact and do something to stem the tide. But no, they want to piss off their only friend and support a monstrous regime in Israel.

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