
June 04, 2022

The Problem is Worldwide

Elon Musk has accurately outlined the problem. In a leaked internal email to staff, he said he had a 'super bad feeling' about the economy:

Then, on Twitter he has previously stated:

"It has been raining money on fools for too long. Some bankruptcies need to happen," ..... "Also, all the Covid stay-at-home stuff has tricked people into thinking that you don't actually need to work hard. Rude awakening inbound!"

I agree with Musk on both counts. I have frequently said the bailouts due to the GFC have entrenched incompetence. Businesses should not be too big to fail. If they fail, let the bargain hunters devour them, and out of the change grow stronger. Yes, this disrupts lives, but look at where we are at right now. Things are going to be worse.

We've been living in a huge government-led Ponzi scheme, created using the taxpayers money. This couldn't be sustained so they manufactured a pandemic, or scamdemic as I like to call it. The response was planned to crash the world economy. They, and by 'they' I'm talking about the 'powers-that-be' for want of a better term, didn't care about how many people were killed, all they cared about was saving their own scrawny necks and the corrupt companies underneath them.

The 'Great Reset' is an arse covering exercise. 

But it didn't work well enough as people didn't 'drink the tea'. Turns out the people are not that stupid. Well, except silly countries like Australia and New Zealand, they're very silly. What to do then? Need for war. So, NATO prods the bear - Russia. Now, famine looms in countries relying on Russian and Ukrainian food, while energy prices soar. Will profits from high oil prices be returned to the people for better healthcare and education? That was me kidding you, you can stop laughing as we know that will never happen.

Basically, what I'm outlining is a massive stitch-up. The only way to correct this is to remove those in power. We need new governments with new ideas. The current crop are trying to destroy you and ultimately kill you if they can. Don't let them.

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