
December 31, 2021

2022 and the Future of Western Civilisation

We are standing on the edge of a cliff. The western world is facing its biggest crisis in at least 200 years, maybe longer. It feels hard to fathom. Look back at the ground covered, consider some of the lowlights over the last two years; the biggest being the USA's defeat in Afghanistan. This stands as the biggest humiliation of a large power in all of modern history, possibly the biggest in recorded history. That's how shaming the loss. Given how ragtag the Taleban are, their victory seems even more incredible. 

But more significant than the defeat in Afghanistan, we have the loss of freedoms in the western world. Science has become misinformation and propaganda is now science. Statements such as 'follow the science' translates in correct thinking to 'believe government propaganda.' Democracy has been permanently damaged through widespread censorship online and in the mainstream media. Intelligent debate has been replaced by cancel culture and Big Tech's deplatforming of anyone asking questions that don't fit the narrative.

But it gets worse; entirely healthy populations have been put under house arrest, their movements restricted, their ability to exercise and seek social connection compromised.

And then if that wasn't enough; businesses have been destroyed, livelihoods taken away.

Then finally, we see the suspension of the Nuremberg Code and the coercion of people to submit to medical experimentation through vaccine mandates and 'no jab no job' demands of employers, demands that are quite often completely unlawful. It needs repeating often; the Covid vaccines are not fully approved and the long range clinical trials will not be completed until 2023 at the earliest. The data does not look good either, that's why the need for boosters, and there appears no end in sight for these boosters. This amounts to endless moving of the goalposts, which to anyone already injected must make them feel vulnerable, cheated or betrayed. If it doesn't, then they're not that bright. And all of this in response to a virus that's really a bit of a wimp. As it mutates it gets weaker, which makes the draconian response look even more ridiculous and overreaching.

Can it get any worse? Yes it can, sadly, I predict 2022 will be a lot worse.

  1. I believe we are in the phoney war stage of World War III. The real shooting is about to start. There are several flash points; the Ukraine, Taiwan, the Middle East, the border between India and China, and Kashmir to name a few. Where it will kick off is hard to predict, but right now the Ukraine and Taiwan seem the most likely.
  2. People injected with the vaccines will start to die in numbers. They are already dying, in New Zealand mortality has increased in 2021, directly in line with the roll out of the Pfizer mRNA gene therapy (which is called a vaccine - it is no such thing). As each age group received the jab, deaths increased compared to 2018 and 2019. What happened in 2020? Deaths were lower, there was no pandemic. 
  3. Not only will people die but a large proportion of those receiving the vaccines will have their health compromised permanently, their organs and immune systems irreparably damaged. 
  4. Governments will double down and become even more authoritarian. They'll try to remove cash from the payments system, and link vaccine passports with everyday items, such as access to food and water. This will result in riots and widespread civil unrest and full-on revolution in some countries.
  5. Governments will link the vaccine passport with a social credit score, that will dictate access to life. People won't be able to leave their house without the correct social credit score.
  6. Further down the line, beyond 2022, if misbehaving or if considered of no economic value, access to boosters will be denied. This will constitute a death sentence as people's immune systems will have been damaged so badly they'll soon die when they catch any disease or become rundown generally. 
  7. In future, well beyond 2022 but near enough for my children to be affected,  these boosters will no longer be free. They'll cost the recipient their house and their life savings.
Call 2022 the beginning of neo-feudalism if you like. Most people in the western world will become serfs or be very close to that. 

What I am seeing is a two-pronged approach. In 2020, China went to war. Countries such as Australia and New Zealand may have already been given up as they sit on a part of the globe that is not easily defended.

The west responded to this attack by becoming authoritarian and its citizens surrendered their freedoms with barely a whimper. Governments don't trust the people, they never have. China effectively helped democratic countries seize power, but I think this was an unintended result of their actions, not something they came up with as a Machiavellian plot. 

For the everyman, is there a way out? Yes, most definitely there is. But it requires the people to rise up en masse. It requires police and the military to refuse unlawful orders. And in dealing with China, they need to be isolated, their trade routes shut down. This would soon bring them to heel. 

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