December 02, 2021

Is Vaccine in the Vaccine?

I read the other day, something about how long it takes to make something like the Pfizer jab. Now, I know how to make asphaltic and concrete aggregates and sand, it takes much longer to produce than it does to mix it into a batch. So, you run long to then only spend a couple of hours batching.

Are you with me here? The Pfizer 'vaccine' is being run out in the millions of doses. Lots of batches. How did they so quickly get all those doses together with the right ingredients? This guy did a simple calculation, comparing the vaccine productive capacity worldwide vs the amount being rolled out. They don't match.

What does this mean? One of two things:

1. There is no vaccine in the vaccine, or;
2. They were storing this up for the last few years.

How come? To get the doses together the way they have would actually take a decade or more. When I read this I immediately knew what the guy was going on about as I have that problem with concrete mixes. Someone rings up and they want a big pour, and I reply it'll take me a couple of years to produce the ingredients. That is, of course, unless I just happen to have a big stockpile out back built up over years.

Sorry don't have the link, but thought I'd share. There are serious doubts here.

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