
August 22, 2019

On Trump and Greenland

Donald Trump announced he wanted to buy Greenland. This has got to be the laugh of the week but it also highlights why the current President is a security risk. That's because he didn't bother to check if Denmark wanted to sell, or if they could sell. Turns out they didn't want to and couldn't even if they wanted to.

That's because Greenland is semi-autonomous and Greenland get to decide who they go with. So the President's visit to Denmark (now postponed or cancelled) would have been a monumental waste of time. It's kind of a worry this, Trump has his finger on the nuclear trigger - think about that.

Surely there has to be a mechanism for removing the President from office. And I do mean, sooner rather than later. After the Greenland debacle he started talking of himself as the chosen one. C'mon, this is getting very strange indeed.

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