February 20, 2017

More nonsense from Gareth Morgan

As if we didn't already have enough evidence to confirm that no-one should vote for Gareth Morgan's Opportunities Party in New Zealand, he goes and gives NZ even more reason to ignore him.

I'm talking about his latest policy announcements concerning education. If I have this right, he wants all teachers in NZ to have a masters degree and the children at high school level would only be tested at year 13 (12th grade). This would achieve two things, there would be no teachers recruited as their parents would tell their children at university, 'go and get a job that only requires a bachelors degree.' How do I know parents would say that? Because that's exactly what I'd say.

Then the second result; a segment of the population in NZ would be left without any qualifications. A lot of children leave school from the age of sixteen, they go and start trade training or whatever. Employers need to know exactly what level the school leavers are on aged 16, 17, 18. The man's an idiot.

You could look at the US where a lot of states do require teachers to have a masters. How has that worked out for them? The standard of education in the US could best be described as poor. Does NZ want that?

When you see requirements such as you must have a masters to do a simple job, look at the union behind that job. It's called a barrier to entry. Strong unions limit the number entering occupations, it's about job protection, not quality of service.

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