February 14, 2017

Product Warning: E-Tech Dynamo LED Flashlight

Beware, the flashlights selling in hardware stores everywhere are not what they seem. The packaging makes it look like they are a wind-up flashlight. They're not, they have a battery inside, placed just behind the bulb and hidden away.

The dynamo handle on the side gives just enough of a flash for a momentary shot of light, it does not charge the battery at all.

When the packing says 'no batteries required' it means the battery is already fitted, that's all.

These flashlights sell very cheaply and are a disposable form of lighting with some very limited dynamo illumination added. They are not suitable for most applications and consumers may get the wrong idea about what it does.

Here is a video of someone opening one up to show how it works:


  1. Cool.I ever have a same led flashlight but it is bad now. You really are the expert. It is hard to find the budget and good led flashlight now.I found the Gearbest handy flashlight, it is good and new. What is your idea?

    1. My recommendation is to buy a sturdy and reliable flashlight from a reputable store, and avoid online offers, or any light that claims to be wind-up. The Earthquake Commission (EQC) say the same thing by the way, jsyk.
