
December 13, 2016

Rap Music All Good

In late September through to early October this year I drove just over 9,000 kms (5,592 mls) around the US. A lot of that time I had the radio on in the car. So I think I can give a fairly accurate description of what I endured. Most of the music was rubbish.

Once out into the heartland and away from the densely populated areas, the spectrum was dominated by rock stations playing the same old selection, Poison, AC/DC, Poison, you get the idea. And then when out in the middle of nowhere and beyond range you can turn to Sirius, satellite radio. The amount of time you can listen to Sirius is limited because if you listen too long your head explodes.

The cultural heart of music in the US appears to be Rap music. The stations are funny, entertaining, and the music is genuinely good. Everything else you can forget. So when in range I'd just turn to any Rap music station and leave it there.

That said, I didn't hear any Azealia Banks. Maybe she needs to think more mainstream and stop trying to upset Russell Crowe, that pathetic non-Australian, actually a New Zealander practically denying being one and pretending to be Australian. It was heartening to see she quickly figured this out recently and tried to discipline him. She should have had the presence of mind to point out that musically he has no talent at all. Maybe she did, I don't know, but all Kiwis everywhere should salute her for confronting Mr Crowe.

The very talented Azealia Banks can be heard in this embedded YouTube video. If you don't like expletive laden lyrics then I suggest giving this one a swerve:

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