October 12, 2022

Prince Harry and his Children

I've been sitting on the fence about this one, there are those who say Prince Harry has no children. Until recently I'd just say I don't know, but I'd like to see them in the flesh. 

Archie Mountbatten-Windsor would be 3 years 5 months of age by now; he should be attending Kindergarten. Where is there evidence of his existence?

Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor would be 1 year and 4 months old and we have even less evidence of her existence. 

But, recently I decided to simply consider these children non-existent apart from in the form of child actors (or children borrowed from friends or whatever). That's because of Harry's unconvincing statements online. He described Archie's squeaky voice and said that Lilibet was finding her voice. In describing them he did not sound like a parent at all. 

King Charles must demand the children be proven, have them DNA tested and have witnesses swear on oath that Prince Harry's wife gave birth to them. I suspect this is going to become the biggest royal scandal of the century when fully exposed.  

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