October 16, 2022

Who will be Britain's Prime Minister Today?

It looks as if Liz Truss is toast. She's just had to sack her finance minister, Kwasi Kwarteng who goes by the bloated title Chancellor of the Exchequer.  

What is going on in the United Kingdom? They had the wind behind them after leaving the sinking ship known as the EU. Then, they went crazy.

Theresa May was a washout. Then they were foolish to appoint Boris Johnson as prime minister. Johnson is about Johnson, it's important to remember that. Country comes a distant second with people like him. Now, Liz Truss who cannot stay on course for more than a few weeks at a time. She's like a leaf on the breeze, bring blown all over the place.

Who actually runs the United Kingdom? Is it the World Economic Forum, the UN, or a cabal of industrialists and bankers. Possibly all of them. It certainly isn't those elected to lead. Recent events suggest someone else is in charge. Look at lockdowns, mandates, and a looming war with Russia. Britain should have none of it, it is in no shape to fight any kind of war whether against a virus or country. 

I have seen comments online calling for another Oliver Cromwell and I can see how people would think like that.

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