February 12, 2022

NZ: Freedom Convoy 2022

Following on from the convoy in Canada, New Zealand organised its own protest. It headed from Cape Reinga in the Far North, also from East Cape and from Bluff in the South Island. All converging on Parliament buildings in the capital city - Wellington. 

This has been a resounding success and the protestors are still in the grounds of parliament as I write this. All along the route people came out to cheer and many were holding signs in support. They oppose mandates and Covid restrictions. For the first time in NZ's history its society is now divided and one group of people are actively discriminated against. Those who refuse to be injected with the vaccine have become second class citizens.

However, questions do have to be asked about the organisers of this convoy, about their political allegiances and backgrounds. I say that as a word of caution.

Why? For the first time I was able to follow the protest at Parliament by live streaming the event. Usually I'd have to rely on the media to do this or be there myself. If there in person, I'd get caught up in events and not be able to see the bigger picture, while the MSM are biased and only tell you what they want you to hear.

So, I followed the various live streams by citizen journalists and what I saw, to me looked like theatre. On the second day the police turned up all hands on deck, and arrests were made. Then in the afternoon they backed off, leaving the grounds to the protestors. This event coincided with the MSM TV news crews setting up and filming. When the police backed off, the TV news packed up and left. They had something in the can and needed to get to the editing suite to prepare for the 6pm news.

Is the Labour party behind these protests? Remember, the NZ Government is a Labour government. It wouldn't be a stretch to think the Labour party are capable of this, the strategy would be to play both sides of the fence. That way, they can position themselves as the saviour no matter which way things go.

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