February 10, 2022

The Phases of Control

Time to reflect on how we came to be here, under the heel of tyrants. I won't go back too far, it will take too much time and take up too much space. What I'm interested in doing is developing my Bond Villain Hypothesis, which simply states that behind this whole Covid scamdemic is one malicious actor, manipulating and orchestrating everything.

Note I use the term scamdemic, which is to indicate we never had a pandemic and the whole thing is a scam. I will also refer to Omnicon, not Omicron, as the latter is a con and everywhere. Apologies if that annoys you.

I see three general phases in this event:

Phase One - the release of a bioweapon from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

I believe this to have been a limited event. The SARS-CoV-2 virus may have been virulent, but likely not very transmissible. It was laboratory produced from bat viruses, and could not survive in the wild. It died out quickly and while it killed a few, was not a threat to global health.

Phase Two - a cabal of global elites, likely spurred on and funded by the CCP, pounced on this virus to create a global panic. They rebranded seasonal influenza in 2020, calling it Covid. This is what caused the panic worldwide, seasonal flu.

Controls were introduced, none of which related to public health. They were measures of social control. Thus, masks, isolation, quarantine, travel and other restrictions were used to achieve compliance. This was critical as compliance would be needed in the next phase.

It doesn't matter that none of these measures had any scientific validity. This was politics, not science.

Phase Three - compulsory vaccination through mandates, the use of QR codes and various forms of vaccine passport or certificate. Vaccination status becomes linked to this digital ID.

This is the end game, the digital ID and in future the complete control of everyone's everyday lives. Control will be so pervasive as to even prevent access to banking or the ability to buy food.

But this phase has been less successful and the cabal are panicking. To stoke fear and to win compliance, they rebranded the common cold as omicron - I call it omnicon. It hasn't worked as it is so weak. No-one is hospitalised and no-one dies. 

Personally, I believe those receiving the jab could be taking anything into their bodies. That's because it isn't about public health, it's about that digital ID.

Big Pharma don't care so long as they're making money. There is some evidence that these injections contain mysterious substances; but what is unclear. It could be contamination of batches or something else more suspicious, such as nanotech. Maybe Big Pharma are using the opportunity to experiment on a healthy and unwitting population. But, the cabal don't care, they're really after everyone obtaining that digital ID, the vax passport.

Let me be clear about this; western civilisation is founded on core principles. These are often called freedoms. What is not prohibited is allowed. What the cabal want is for those freedoms to be removed, to be replaced by permissions. What is not permitted is prohibited. This is a complete corruption of how western civilisation functions. If the vax passports become reality, the result will be the end of the western world. 

So, who is this cabal? There are several suspects, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations et al. But the structure being rolled out looks a lot like the way China thinks. If you track this back far enough, I believe you'll arrive at the doors of the CCP. The Wuhan virus, after all, did originate there.

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