July 29, 2020

New Blogger Interface

Google have introduced a new interface for blogs such as mine, users are having a lot of trouble with it. I'm using the old interface for now, but that will disappear in about a month. I intentionally chose an appearance for my blog that was very simple just in case that would happen and it has. Colours may no longer display the same, fonts may no longer match previous posts, who knows, everything is up in the air.

For bloggers, creating a new post and generally navigating around the new layout is proving very difficult for some, with some features no longer available or just not working, and that's if they can even find them. That's the feedback I'm hearing from those who use the new interface.

If this blog becomes inactive, you'll know why. If the new interface is unworkable, I'll probably move to WordPress or something not as good as the old Blogger. My blog is read widely, all over the world, but Google don't care about us, it looks like they just want to get rid of us. So, this could be goodbye. Bye for now.

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