July 17, 2020

The Dark Age Looms

I am embedding a YouTube documentary which looks at the end of the Bronze Age. What followed was a dark age that lasted hundreds of years. The written word largely disappeared, civilisation destroyed; not much is known about this dark age as so little written evidence survives. What happened? It is likely a number of things brought on the sudden end of the Bronze Age. Climate change, pressure on resources, war, population growth and the attendant migration, they're all part of it.

We are now witnessing the end of our world. The end of Western Civilisation. War has contributed to this decline, as has climate change. But overarching this is the loss of identity. The West no longer believes in itself, it pulls itself down at every opportunity and is defeated before if even gets out of bed in the morning. What will follow this crash, the crash to end all crashes, will be a dark age that will last hundreds of years. When will this crash occur? The precise timing is unclear, we cannot be certain. But it will happen within the next 200 years. When it does happen, the crash will be sudden as a tipping point will have been reached. Cities will burn and people will die.

In 3,000 years time they'll be talking about this time and what happened exactly. There will be different theories about the collapse of our age, that it was inevitable, they (that's us) failed to heed the message. They'll marvel at how advanced our technology seemed, that we set foot on the moon. They'll wonder why they had to reinvent everything, finally doing much better but it was so hard, and these earlier people (yes, that's us again) often had the answer but thought little of the future.

Of course our language and much of our written history will have gone. They'll know of our existence by digging up remains and sifting through our landfills.

Please view the video, then try to tell me I'm wrong.

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