
July 04, 2020

Adrenochrome: Real or Not?

The story goes that a chemical called Adrenochrome is consumed by rich elites from institutions such as Hollywood, Wall Street, Washington DC, and Royalty. To obtain this chemical they torture young children and then drink their blood. Jeffrey Epstein's island is now believed by many to be one such place where these activities took place.

I can't say whether this is real or not. I simply don't know, but we do know that a long list of celebrities and powerful people visited Epstein's island and that some pretty sick stuff went on there. It was only a matter of time before Epstein and Adrenochrome became firmly linked.

I found this article which reveals the truth about Adrenochrome:

Wikipedia on the chemical here:

Maybe people are going down the wrong road with this.

I have a different idea and I talk about this in my latest novel, Dana Point. Aliens from Hercules have seeded earth with their species, they visit from time to time to check up on progress. Their society is an hierarchical one based on blood. It is possible to rise up the ranks, but if busted for various crimes they revert to their original blood type at birth. In this ranking order, actors are the lowest (thus no-one from a higher rank would ever become an actor). Bankers and business people are not much better. They too may rise in society but risk falling back down.

If I may be so bold; Hollywood may be trying to consume better blood so they can achieve a faster rise to that of military generals and the like. It is not long to go now before Hercules arrives to assimilate Earth (this assimilation fleet, the hospital ship and the battle to determine the fate of Earth will be the subject of my second novel). Hollywood may know the fleet is about to arrive and be desperate to avoid being placed at the bottom of society.

You can read my novel which describes how Hercules operates by taking the Dana Point link above, or by taking this link: Dana Point

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