February 07, 2019

Italy vs New Zealand

Travelling through Italy, it became obvious to me that there are a lot of similarities between the Italian people and New Zealanders in general. Both are strongly community and family focussed and have a genuine affection for their land.

But maybe Italy have the edge on community engagement if one incident is anything to go by. In Rome I witnessed an example of Italians helping one another. It happened at an intersection, which you'd expect to be more haphazard than in fact they are. A car came across the intersection in front of a car sitting waiting at the lights, ready to go in the other direction. The driver waiting jumped out of his car shouting loudly and ran after the car that had just gone across in front of him. The passenger of the waiting car jumped out and went to the back of the car to ensure no-one came up their rear when they got the green light. 

I followed the guy running down the road screaming. Turned out the car he was yelling at was on fire and the guy driving had no idea. He stopped at some point, the flames beginning to envelope his car. Someone else from a nearby building ran out with a fire extinguisher and put the flames out, by now about 50 people had gathered. All in a days work for those living in Rome, I don't see those events unfolding as they did in New Zealand. Oh, and don't buy an Audi, just saying.

And something else comes to mind; Italians and New Zealanders are warm, resourceful, enterprising people, each ruled by completely incompetent governments. The people of each don't deserve the governments they're saddled with, I hope both are able to do something about it before they're left totally ruined.

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