November 08, 2018

Oil and Gas Exploration Ban

Well New Zealand has gone and shot itself in the foot. The current government has passed into law, a future ban on oil and gas exploration.

Name the parties that did this harm to the Taranaki region and New Zealand as a whole; Labour, NZ First, and Green.

Energy security is very important, NZ is now badly exposed. NZ is not well governed, we had National fiddling the books and moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic, now we have a party called Labour, hating the workers and doing whatever they can to put highly skilled workers out of jobs. NZ First talks regional development but hurts the regions. And finally the Greens, a bunch of former communists pretending to be environmental.

Is there a solution? Avoid voting for either Green or NZ First, they're both minor parties with far too much say. Drive these parties below the 5% threshold and get them out of parliament. Beyond that I don't have an immediate solution as there are no viable alternatives to National and Labour, but they're both utterly incompetent.

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