October 26, 2017

Donald Trump - Is He Unhinged?

It has occurred to me that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, may actually be unhinged and should therefore be removed from office. That's not to say he isn't sometimes right. But when he's right it appears to be more a case of a stopped clock being right twice a day rather any Trump wisdom.

Bear in mind he actually inherited his fortune and the company that bears his name employs some capable people. And if Trump had simply invested in a safe Wall Street fund he'd be a lot richer than he is now. He's actually gone backwards on where he was when he took over from his father when taking the S&P indexes into account.

This latest incident where the President took issue with the widow of a US soldier is another example of his unhinged state. I believe the widow's version and that of Congresswoman Frederica Wilson. No doubt the President had the name of the fallen soldier written down in front of him, but Donald Trump is so out of it, he can't even read. Now that is something to think about.

The precedent for taking steps to remove Trump lies in the events of 1987, when senior staff closely observed Ronald Reagan for any evidence of instability. In that case Reagan performed satisfactorily and so stayed on. Perhaps a similar watch needs to be kept of Trump.

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