
January 31, 2016

GFC: Why We Are Screwed

I have implied in posts on here, an opinion of where I think things are headed. However, until explaining to one of my children what I am actually on about, I realised I hadn't blogged about my views in full.

Okay, so the GFC, aka the Global Financial Crisis. This started happening straight after the dotcom bubble burst. Things were getting out of hand, banks were lending irresponsibly, blah de blah, you know the rest.

In 2008 things got very bad and the property market crashed, everything came tumbling down. Small businesses were screwed, they had their overdrafts called in, banks could no longer trust one another, the system was broken.

In stepped big mother governments the world over. They ruled that some were too big to fail and bailed those precious few out. Then they started quantitative easing to avoid further collapse. Retired folks saw their incomes plummet. The oldies and small businesses were the biggest casualties globally.

What were the alternatives? Well, a short sharp shock would have worked fine.

What happened is governments rewarded the ineffective, incompetent, stupid and weak. These governments are run by venal and malfeasant cowards who buckled and bailed out their old-school mates. What has resulted from that lame decision-making, has been eight years of bumping along the bottom.

I'll explain this another way. Imagine you break your leg and you are delivered to the hospital by an ambulance that is pedal powered. At the hospital the doctors take a look and decide to not properly knit your bones back together, instead finding it cheaper to have your leg grow back crooked and keep you on painkillers for a few years as their mates own the drug manufacturers and pharmacies.

Get the idea?

Or would it be better for the doctor to say, 'this is going to hurt,' AHHHH, fix your leg properly and have you walking again free of pain in three months?

Hmm? Well the crooked leg and painkiller example is what we got.

What does all this mean? It means we are royally screwed. Governments throughout the Western world are telling us they avoided another Great Depression (they say). How about, what they actually did was put us on a path to extinction. That's what I think.

I've had people tell me that technology cannot be lost. Oh yeah? Tell that to the people living through the Dark Ages, just after the end of the Roman empire. That's where we're headed. I won't live to see this happen, and neither will you, but I think it is inevitable. Crazed loons like ISIL are going to be running the world and they'll destroy everything. This will happen because we promoted stupid and dishonest people and gave up being vigilant and prepared to protect our hard fought freedoms.

What we have now is not capitalism. In a capitalist system you have the absolute right to go bust. No-one is too big to fail. If you promote stupid and dishonest people and entrench them in power, you end up with complete devastation.

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