
January 03, 2016

Great Books Never Mentioned

Found this page >>Click Here<< which lists great books you never hear about. From the list I've read two of them and flicked through a third, so I'm going to trust the list and say they're all good.

A fantastic read is The Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker by David Boyer. I found it in a secondhand bookshop and bought it for a few cents. What a bargain. It's right up there with the best.

Cassell's Dictionary of Slang is the other one I've read and it's good too.

The Black Book by Lawrence Durell, I now regret simply skimming through this while visiting a friend. He's dead now so I won't be able to go around to his place to borrow it. Look out for this one.

One book missing from the list but worth a mention is The Red House by Else Jerusalem. It was published in Vienna about 1907/08 and translated into English in the 1930's. Good luck finding a copy, but it too needs to be credited.

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