
July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris v Donald Trump

I'm noticing the rank hypocrisy of right-of-centre commentators criticising Kamala Harris for any reason, while ignoring the obvious failings of Donald J Trump. The worst form a criticism being levelled at Kamala Harris amounts to nothing more than slut-shaming. So, let's balance this up and have an objective look at both main candidates for the US Presidential elections in November.

Kamala Harris, at 59 seems youthful compared to Donald Trump, and for that matter, youthful compared to the current President who suffers dementia. She's intelligent, a lawyer and someone who has held high office; she's never lost an election. Her path to the top is by way of District Attorney, Attorney-General of California, US Senator for California and now Vice President of the United States. She's been married the once and remains married to this day. As a politician, she is fairly conservative and considered a safe pair of hands. On a personal level, she's self-made; and both parents were immigrants.

Donald Trump received a sound education at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He inherited part of his father, Fred Trump's massive wealth which was amassed by owning something like 30,000 apartments in New York. Donald Trump took his father's wealth and made it go backwards. That's right, had the Donald invested wisely, he'd be the richest man alive today. He has several company failures to his credit. His record as a politician is mixed, he won his first effort by winning in the all-important Electoral College despite losing the overall popular vote to Hillary Clinton. His second effort resulted in failure, he lost in the Electoral College this time. The result in 2020 has been justifiably criticised, but it should be noted that Donald Trump was the sitting President and therefore, in the best position to do something about all that rigging. 

Donald Trump implemented Operation Warp Speed, which has resulted in the death and injury of millions. This should never be forgotten.

What chance does each have? As things stand right now, my analysis sees Donald Trump ahead in the Electoral College. There are 538 votes available in 2024, meaning 270 votes are required to secure the Presidency. I have Donald Trump with 363 and Kamala Harris with 175. Thus, Kamala Harris has to pick up 95 votes to win. 

This is where it gets interesting. After the outpouring of sympathy for Donald Trump following the attempt on his life, the Democratic Party pivoted swiftly and got rid of the very old, pale stale male, Joe Biden. He's still President for now, but Kamala Harris may only be minutes away from ascending the throne, without an election. She attracts a different demographic; college educated women, Afro-Americans and Asians. This could be enough to see her win key battleground states. Take Georgia, currently considered leaning Trump, its population is 32% Afro-American. Another battleground state is Pennsylvania, made up of 12% Afro-Americans, and 31% of women there have a bachelor's degree or higher. 

If she wins those two states, she's now 60 votes away from the prize. All those key swing states have demographics more aligned to Harris than Joe Biden. Donald Trump should be worried, and he is judging by the attack ads that suddenly appeared.

Will RFK Jr have an impact, the way Ross Perot did back in the 90's? He'll attract the college educated and freer thinking voters, but my guess is they're in states that already heavily lean to Kamala Harris, and he won't overturn the result as she's so far out in front anyway. But, who knows, I'm ready to accept RFK Jr may cause an upset. It'd be interesting to see him holding enough Electoral College votes to prevent 270 being reached by either Harris or Trump.

Another factor is how the deep state, swamp creatures and assorted authoritarians view the two main contenders. I believe, the reason they tried to kill Donald Trump was not because he isn't part of the swamp - he very much is - but that he's seen as unpredictable. The swamp likes Kamala Harris as she's likely to be reliable. 

Those dismissing Kamala Harris are getting things badly wrong in my opinion. 

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