
December 29, 2022

Now we have no Eggs

New Zealand is a train wreck of an economy and things are only getting worse. Since the shutdown of all local oil refining, cars cannot run on the crap fuel that is now imported, and the roads are breaking up because the imported bitumen is rubbish.

But now eggs are running out across the country. People are panic buying and supermarkets have introduced purchase restrictions. 

This is a classic example of the law of unintended consequences. Back under the National government, they gave 10 years for poultry farmers to get out of using cages. Cage produced eggs were out. Well, that day has arrived and instead of farmers complying, they've just stopped producing eggs. This affects everyone, households, restaurants, you name it.

The situation is made worse because problems with the global supply chain means grain is now much more expensive. NZ is no longer self-sufficient in grain, so these have to be imported and that cost is 60% of the cost of producing the egg. 

We are being led by donkeys.

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