November 28, 2022

Funeral Business Looks Promising

 Hot Tip - Occupation - Become involved in the funeral business

One short course in embalming at the Wellington Polytech and you're ready. People are dying left, right and centre. What a time to be earning some real dosh.

Back when I was 15 I thought about becoming an undertaker. It was that or be a vicar. I did neither and that was my mistake. Had I become a vicar, I'd have only worked on Sundays and apart from that I'd have to go around getting little old ladies to leave the church money in their will.

I visited a funeral director at age 16, just checking things out, and looked at their range of coffins. An excellent selection and quite comfortable looking. I came home with the plan to buy my own coffin and store it in the basement. Alternatively it could become my bed, that's how good it was. Think about it, if I died in my sleep, they'd only have to close the lid and these things weren't ever going to go down in price.

My father thought this was an excellent plan. But, when I put it to my mother she fair hit the ceiling. I still have not figured out her objection to her brightest child having his very own coffin. Upon reflection, it is possible my father promoted this idea as a way to rile my mother. Hmmm.

Anyway, now with excess deaths running at 20%+ and getting worse, the funeral business looks to be the hot ticket.

Hi de hi.

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