July 15, 2022

New Zealand: Political Party Representing Farmers

We need a political movement to protect New Zealand's farmers. With the proposed three waters reforms, farmers will soon lose access to water. Then, the current government is moving to limit emissions from farms. Think what is happening in The Netherlands and you won't be far wrong. There, farms are going to have to shrink stock numbers, wiping out 30% of all farms. It is land theft pure and simple. 

Clearly there is a global agenda being rolled out whereby corporate interests are taking control of the food supply. This is a danger to everyone but farmers can prevent it by forming a political party and winning enough seats through NZ's MMP electoral system. They would only need to win a seat or gain 5% of the party vote, an easily achievable target given the number of farmers and people living in rural communities.

Traditionally, NZ farmers have been National party members. But National is essentially an urban party and are constantly chasing the liberal urban middle class vote. To gain power, they'll easily throw farmers under the bus.

Farmers must resist current measures; 3 Waters and emissions regulations. Both are wolves in sheep's clothing. The real agenda is to take effective control of the land, driving farmers into penury. 

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