July 10, 2021

Conspiracy Theory: New Zealand No Longer Exists

Here's a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy because it involves collusion, theory because I have no conclusive evidence it is happening, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence. 

Theory: New Zealand is currently being run by a foreign power or powers. The current government have no say at all, what they're announcing are prepared positions or talking points provided to them from overseas. 

This is an easy theory to develop as it is simply 1 + 2 = 3. 

Look at it like this. What sane government led by people with at least a basic elementary school education would set out to intentionally harm its very own citizens? The answer: not that many would do so wilfully, although there are some nasty examples. Pol Pot comes to mind. 

For the most part, governments which do harm do so out of ignorance, or stupidity, or misguidedness. Simply put, governments can think they're doing the right thing and get it badly wrong. There are countless examples of that happening. 

However, the New Zealand government and the entirety of the NZ parliament are lock step in poisoning its people, even children. There is ample evidence from heavyweight scientific sources, including the inventor of the mRNA technology, that the mRNA gene therapy being touted as a saviour 'vaccine' is not fit for purpose. That it must be suspended and a full enquiry be held. 

But the NZ government barrels ahead, ignoring this mountain of evidence. Why? The answer may be unpalatable. They have no choice. 

How is this control exercised? Financially, I suspect. NZ lives on borrowed funds. Those debts need to be rolled over. Cut off the flow, you destroy NZ. It is quite possible NZ is being ordered to poison its own people and the weakling NZ government and the whole of parliament have buckled, like the spineless jellyfish we always suspected them of being. That's why the 2020 election was rigged. The foreign power orchestrated the result. Contrary voices must be shut down. 

I'm getting very close to the answer now. Personally, there is enough evidence to say this theory is 75% of the way to being proven. Sorry folks, NZ is no longer a country. It is now a province of another power entirely.

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