August 23, 2018

Why MMP is not Working

I've been reminded of a classic example of why MMP does not work for New Zealand. The best example right now is the Labour/NZ First coalition government stopping future offshore oil and gas exploration just to keep the Greens happy. Why is this an issue? The Greens are not even in government, they refused that responsibility but still received ministerial portfolios in return for their support.

I have never before seen Labour decide to throw away workers jobs. High paid unionised workers at that as well. It's a slap in the face for all Etu union members, who will now have to pick up the tab through higher union dues now the high paid oil workers will be forced to leave the country. It's insane.

The numbers tell the story. The Greens received about 6% support at the 2017 general election. 88.5% votes that counted went the other way and you can bet your bottom dollar they didn't vote to dump oil and gas. It's a classic tail wagging the dog situation. Look, okay, Greens get jobs for themselves and that's great, but the way I see 6% is they get to decide how many trash bins are sited along the Milford track. They should not be allowed to dictate the economic fortunes of the second largest industry in Taranaki.  

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