
March 26, 2018

Why Julie Anne Genter is Wrong (Mostly)

New Zealand Green MP, Julie Anne Genter is causing controversy by calling for old white men to be ditched in favour of others.

Some argument can be made for moving many of them on. Some old white men occupying positions of power are simply there serving time. They offer nothing and achieve little. But you do still need some of those old white men and I'll tell you why - they know where the keys are kept.

That's right, call it administrative memory or what you will. But these old timers know why something is done the way it's done and that can be very valuable information. It's valuable even if you want to challenge that very same information. It's better than stumbling around in the dark.

But I don't like the Greens and this issue is partly the reason why; they're really just socialists re-branded, Green is just a flag of convenience. The more they shoot themselves in the foot the faster voters can learn they're not to be trusted and move them out too.

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