
January 09, 2021

Release the Kraken

Here's an idea for a movie: in a dystopian future where China and Russia control the political and social narrative, the US is nothing but a shadow of its former self. It clings to its past glories but its leadership is myopic, greedy and incompetent. The President sleeps most of the day and when awake he's kept alive through an intravenous drip applied several times a day. He doesn't think for himself, he's scripted, the country is run by Big Tech firms which take their orders from the new masters of the Earth, the aforementioned China and Russia.

There exists in the American sub-culture a rumour, some believe it a myth. This belief is that if the Kraken is released it will free the world from tyranny. Many think this Kraken is a book of words, while others believe it a virus. Many fundamentalists believe it to be a legal case and hold to the idea that this case once resolved will result in freedom. They're deluded of course as the courts are completely controlled by the new masters.

But the Kraken is none of these things. It is a man. This man, a former Naval officer (or Marine - same diff') dishonourably discharged for defying the rulers, leads a small band of resistance fighters. In time their numbers grow and they piece by piece put the US back together again. The movie ends with the Kraken seizing the Capitol Building and restoring democracy in America. The US Flag is hoisted again, replacing the existing one which is a form of communist flag, except with a server in place of the hammer and sickle.


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