June 15, 2020

Biggest Ever Social Experiment

Funny, I was having a discussion with someone over the weekend, and she asked me; was the global response to COVID-19 the biggest ever social experiment?

I was a little surprised to hear someone put it like that, although I had certainly thought so privately. I paused and replied, yes, it is the biggest ever social experiment. It's the only explanation available I'm afraid.

And what do we now see? Riots, some industries wiped out (airlines), massive unemployment, you name it. No doubt this will be replaced by regime change. Either the world has gone mad, which is very likely, or someone very clever and scheming cooked the whole scenario up, which is unlikely as people are never that clever. But who knows, all I do know is a lot of people are much poorer in 2020 than they were in 2019.

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