May 31, 2020

World War III

Get ready, WWIII is coming soon. This time billions will die through war itself and through starvation. How do I come to this conclusion? Because of the riots happening right now in the USA. Yes, the police officer killing of George Floyd was a terrible event, but feeding into the narrative is the COVID-19 panic and the subsequent lockdowns and house arrest of law abiding citizens.

Initially, China scored a huge victory with its spreading of the coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. Whether the virus emerged naturally or it was manufactured in a laboratory is irrelevant as what we are now learning is that China and its vassal the WHO, spread the virus to the rest of the World. 

The measures taken to control the spread of the virus are having a catastrophic effect on communities; the supply chain in many countries is now broken, crops will rot in the fields as people in cities starve. Food riots have already begun and things hang by a thread. The thin blue line is looking very thin, as when things kick off there is no police force that can stop it. Hence the current riots. Buildings burn and nothing can be done about it. Yes, there is outrage at the killing of George Floyd but underlying that is outrage at the loss of jobs, businesses and lack of income to buy food.

The USA and the rest of the World are not going to forget this. China is in deep trouble. Regime change is called for and I'm picking China to be smashed achieving it. 

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